Chapter 1200 A Small Horn (54)

"Greedy, there is a price to pay."

Her Royal Highness looked coldly at Bai Yu who was on top of the anti-virus scorpion, "There is still a possibility of winning two against one, don't fight these scorpions again."

In fact, Bai Yu had thought about two-on-one for a long time, but he was not sure what His Highness was thinking, so he rushed over to avoid angering her, after all, the previous account had not yet been settled.

As if seeing the hesitation and worry in his eyes, Her Royal Highness sneered: "If we lose this battle, we will have to settle the score."

"No, I won't lose!" Bai Yu slashed at him with a big knife.

The two have never cooperated before, but they have a surprisingly tacit understanding.

Under the strong attack of the two, Zhennan Hou's son fell down, his eyes became more gloomy.

"Could it be that you are the only ones who have arranged everything? Bully the few with the more?"

Zhennan Hou Shizi clapped his hands, and several people climbed up from the sand.

They are all foreign generals!
By the time Bai Yu had accumulated enough to be sure of going to war, the son of the Marquis of Zhennan had already laid an ambush.

Her Royal Highness sighed, "If he was easy to kill, I would have killed him long ago."

Bai Yu lowered her eyes: "I won't lose."

Seeing his stubborn gaze hidden under the eyelashes, Her Royal Highness could only smile wryly.

Although the combination of the two is very strong, given the current situation, the opponent's ten fierce generals, plus an unfathomable Zhennan Hou Shizi, may not be able to take the head of Zhennan Hou Shizi today, but they want to stay Two people, it is also impossible!

"Let's go." Her Royal Highness said in a deep voice.

But Bai Yu was still persistent: "Retiring now, I will lose face."

How could he lose to Prince Zhennan Hou!

In fact, the other party would have an ambush, and Bai Yu had guessed to a certain extent, but he only thought it was those poisonous scorpions, but he didn't expect that there were ten fierce generals hiding under the poisonous scorpions.

In the current situation, I am afraid that I can only use a trick.

Just using the trick, he became a useless person.

Bai Yu looked deeply at Her Royal Highness, "Your Highness, you must be responsible to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed in the direction of Zhennanhou Shizi and the ten generals. Her Royal Highness didn't even have time to ask a few more questions, so she could only catch up and stop him, lest he court death.

Bai Yu bit her finger, opened her skirt, and drew an ancient totem with blood on her flat chest.

A strong internal force vibrated, his eyes gradually turned red, and he lost a trace of reason.

Everything in front of you will be destroyed!

He seemed to be possessed by a madman, with the power to destroy the world, and his hands were like iron claws. He grabbed a fierce general by his Adam's apple and pulled it. The fierce general had no room to fight back and died on the spot.

"It's so evil! Is this guy a monster?"

The remaining nine fierce generals panicked and fled in all directions.

Zhennan Hou Shizi looked at the person gloomyly. At this moment, he can be sure that this is a fake princess.

"who are you?"

Bai Yu, who had lost his mind for a long time, did not answer, but went crazy and attacked Zhennan Hou Shizi, with fierce moves, without a little defense, just a fierce attack, killing eight hundred enemies and self-defeating one thousand!
Zhennan Hou Shizi couldn't take it anymore, he backed up again and again, looked at the scarred guy in front of him, and said gloomily: "Are you Bai Yu?"

Her Royal Highness wanted to step forward to help, but she couldn't squeeze into the battle between the two, so she could only stand aside and attack Prince Zhennan Hou with a long spear.

Zhennan Hou Shizi: "..."

He managed to find time to glance at the eldest princess, and the eldest princess spread her hands with a helpless expression: "I don't want to do this either, but the armor on your body is too thick."

Only the buttocks can attack.

So Her Royal Highness saw the needles, and the long spear was focused on this easy-to-attack place.

(End of this chapter)

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