Chapter 1205 A Small Horn (59)

After Bai Yu's various coquettish manipulations, the eldest princess accepted her fate and left him in the military tent to get along day and night for three months.

Bai Yu couldn't move, so he wasn't worried about his misbehavior.

It was night, and there were only two people left in the military tent. Her Royal Highness was flipping through the information that her subordinates had investigated, which was about the identity of the son of the false Zhennanhou.

Although this person is a fake son of Zhennanhou, he is actually the blood of Zhennanhou's mansion.

Strictly speaking, he is also a cousin of His Royal Highness the Princess.

He was the child of Zhennan Hou and a cook when he was guarding the southwest.

Because Zhennanhou was not used to the food cooked by Huotoujun, he found a good cook from outside. Later, the cook fell ill and asked his daughter to work for him. At night, Zhennanhou was hungry and asked someone to prepare supper. Sometimes it was a young girl who came to deliver the supper. When she was drunk, she bumped into the innocent girl.

Later, he raised the cook outside, and it was regarded as a concubine.

In just one night, the cook was pregnant.

Zhennanhou promised her that if she gave birth to a son, she would be raised as a concubine and brought back to Zhennanhou's mansion.

It's a pity that she did give birth to a son, but she didn't have such a blessing. She didn't survive and died on the day of childbirth.

Zhennanhou brought the son born in the outer room back to Zhennanhou's mansion, which made Zhennanhou's wife very angry. The two couples took a step back and I negotiated for a long time. In the end, they still didn't give the child the status of a concubine of the Houfu. Adopted him to the steward, raised him in the mansion as the son of the steward, and usually followed Zhennan Hou Shizi as a follower.

Because after growing up, the two looked more and more similar, and later he hid in the dark and became a secret guard, and sometimes he was also a substitute for the prince of Zhennan Hou.

Hearing all this, Bai Yu lowered his eyes: "Do you think there is a possibility that the prince of Zhennan Hou is indeed dead, and he drowned a long time ago."

Her Royal Highness shook her head: "It wasn't him who drowned, I sent someone to dig up the body, and the coffin was empty."

A fake is not eligible to be buried in the ancestral land.

Therefore, the empty coffin also showed that the prince of Zhennan Hou was not dead, and that the one who drowned was a fake.

"Where is he hiding?" Bai Yu's heart skipped a beat suddenly, with deep fear in his eyes, he lowered his voice: "The most dangerous place is the safest place! Maybe...he has been lurking in the military camp for a long time. among!"

Her Royal Highness's face was gloomy. In fact, when she lifted the mask and found that the man was not Zhennan Hou Shizi, she had such a bad premonition.


After extensive screening of the barracks, no abnormal person was found.

But this kind of no abnormality is the real abnormality.

With so many people in the barracks, isn't there any abnormality?

Serving in the army for your brother, is there no impostor?
This is absolutely impossible!
Unless there is something wrong with the investigators of the screening itself!
Changed direction, narrowing down this range.

Her Royal Highness personally investigated the cronies around her, because she asked her cronies to investigate this matter.

Sure enough, three people were suspicious.

They all entered the barracks in the year when Zhennan Hou Shizi's Tesuji was cut off.


Bai Yu saw that His Highness the Eldest Princess was preoccupied, and now that he was disabled, he could only use his brain, so he said, "It's better to kill the wrong one than to let it go."

Her Royal Highness also knows this truth.

But these three people are all confidantes, and they are all people who shielded her from knives on the battlefield and can deliver them to the back.

She didn't want to kill anyone by mistake because of suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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