Chapter 1206 A Little Horn (Sixty)
"Your Highness, being merciful and merciless will only make you fall into eternal doom."

"I know."

Her Royal Highness knows everything in her heart, but she still can't do it when she actually operates it.

This also gave Zhennan Hou Shizi an opportunity to take advantage of.

On this day, when she returned to the military tent, she found that Bai Yu was missing.

He sent someone to look for him, but found that one of his cronies was missing.

It was one of the three she suspected.

It was that person who stopped pretending and left directly, which also directly exposed his identity.

Before leaving, Bai Yu was also kidnapped.

"Chasing!" Her Royal Highness galloped on horseback, trying to intercept them before they returned to the foreign camp.

The sky was full of yellow sand, and there were no obstacles to block the view. You could see a horse running wildly in front of you, and a person was sitting on it, and a long rope was dragging a person by the horse's tail.

The person being dragged did not struggle to resist, it was Bai Yu who was already paralyzed.

Bai Yu ate the yellow sand all the way, cursing in his mouth: "You son of a bitch, you finally showed up and arrested me while I was sick. You are not good at victory. If you are capable, wait for me to recover. Let's fight!" !"

On that day, Bai Yu fought against the counterfeit, and as the confidant of His Highness the Princess, Nanhou Shizi of Zhenzhen Town stood on the city wall and watched the battle, so he naturally knew how strong Bai Yu would be after using the secret.

He didn't want to fight to the death, let alone get injured.

Zhennan Hou Shizi sneered: "You can take advantage of your illness to kill you, why should I not want your life?"

"You are despicable and shameless..."

"Swear, curse, use your tongue as long as you have it, and when you get back to the barracks, I will cut off your tongue as an appetizer at the celebration banquet!"

There was a sound of horseshoes behind him, Zhennanhou Shizi looked back and said coldly: "It seems that you have a very high status in my cousin's heart. Look, she came here alone, and she is not afraid of me setting an ambush."

Bai Yu yelled, "Stop chasing him!"

If you keep chasing, you will enter the enemy camp!

Her Royal Highness didn't listen, and continued to chase.

Wan Niang and Xiaoyao are also chasing after, but they can't catch up with Her Royal Highness.

Zhennan Hou Shizi didn't wear a mask, and he also tore off the fake skin. Now he has a real face, a very handsome man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. Who would have thought that such a face is a sinister and vicious person.

"Cousin, if you chase after me, you will be in the barracks. Are you giving away the head?"

The eldest princess did not reply and continued to chase.

But Zhennanhou's son is still shouting: "However, I am not willing to kill my cousin, I will love my cousin! Back then, the old emperor made a slip of the tongue and didn't let his aunt give birth to a child with the blood of the royal family and the blood of Zhennanhoufu , Now, let's make up for this matter! You and my child have the blood of the royal family and the blood of the Zhennanhoufu, and he will be the best candidate for the next emperor!"

"Stop dreaming!" Bai Yu said coldly.

The prince of Zhennan Hou got off his horse and waited for His Highness the Princess at the same place.

He walked to Bai Yu's side. At this moment, Bai Yu was in a mess, covered in yellow sand.

Zhennan Hou Shizi took out the dagger, "Your face is really an eyesore. If you have scars all over your face, do you think my cousin will look at you more?"

Bai Yu: "..."

"What? Are you scared? So you don't have confidence either. You also know that my cousin only likes your body. When you lose this face, my cousin won't like you."

"Stop!" Her Royal Highness shouted from afar.

But it was too far to stop.

The blade cut through the skin, leaving a deep wound.

Zhennan Hou Shizi said with a sly smile: "One is not symmetrical, here is another one."

In a moment, two bloody cuts appeared on both sides of Bai Yu's cheeks.

Zhennan Hou Shizi was still not satisfied, and left several wounds on his forehead, brow bone, chin...

Bai Yu's face was covered with blood and wounds, and he could no longer see his original peerless face.

"These eyes are not bad, let's dig them out." The prince of Zhennan Hou was about to dig out his eyes with a knife, when there was a furious sound from behind, and His Royal Highness the princess had already rushed over and punched them.

Zhennan Hou Shizi could only stop and dodge the violent attack.

"Cousin, it's too ruthless. Is it worth it for an ugly monster?"

"you wanna die!"

Her Royal Highness's current onslaught is no less than Bai Yu's way of injuring eight hundred enemies and destroying one thousand at the time. It is a ruthless attack and does not hide, just to take the dog's head of Zhennan Hou Shizi.

"Cousin, are you really going to kill me?"

"Damn you!"

"Just because of an ugly monster? He is too ugly to look at, and you still like him?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"Tsk, I should kill him directly." Zhennan Hou Shizi felt a little regretful.

"Go to hell!" The eldest princess slammed his fist on his eyes.

The corners of Zhennan Hou Shizi's eyes were bleeding, and the eyeballs were immediately blown apart by Juli.

"So cruel." Zhennan Hou Shizi took a few steps back and covered his injured eyes, "I let you in many times, last time you broke my tendon, this time you blinded me in one eye, don't provoke me I."

"So what if I pissed you off! Let the horse come here!"

"Cousin, cousin really doesn't want to hurt you. Unfortunately, you are disobedient."

Zhennanhou Shizi's eyes gradually became gloomy, gray crept up his eyes, and gradually dyed his black pupils to gray, and gray-black smoke was exuding from his body, he became a poisonous person who would die if touched.

(End of this chapter)

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