Chapter 1208 A Small Horn (62)

This time, Her Highness the Eldest Princess took care of Bai Yu every step of the way until his poison was cured.

On this day, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess just went out to check the military rations sent from the imperial city, and when she returned to the military tent, she did not see Bai Yu.

There is a letter on the table.

It is a farewell letter.

Her Royal Highness sent someone to look for him, but there was no news.


Time flies, three years have passed.

After Zhennanhou's son died, the Gentile Alliance was like a joke, and it broke up as soon as it was said.

After they dispersed, Her Royal Highness spent three years breaking through one by one, making them bow their heads and surrender.

The land of Great Xia expanded again.

The prestige of Her Royal Highness resounds throughout Great Xia, and is enshrined as the God of War by the people.


"General Zhentian has returned to Beijing!"

"His Royal Highness is back!"

"The God of War is back!"

The people walked through the streets shouting the good news.

When Her Royal Highness entered the gate of the imperial city, she saw people standing on both sides of the street.

They stood in an orderly manner, each holding a basket in their hands, and when she rode away, they would sprinkle flowers, which was more grand than Zhuangyuan Lang parading through the streets on horseback.

The little maid dressed as a soldier giggled, "Your Highness, the common people like you so much!"

To be loved by the common people, the corners of His Highness's mouth under the mask slightly raised, but her brows were always slightly furrowed.

"Is there any news about Bai Yu?"

The little palace lady was frustrated: "There is no news. I think Wang and Bai's family with different surnames have taken action. Their two families are working together to hide a person, but we can't find it at all."

Her Royal Highness pursed her lips and said nothing.


In front of the palace gate, the old emperor came to greet her in person.

I haven't seen him for ten years, but the moment Her Royal Highness saw the old emperor, the resentment and resentment in her heart dissipated in an instant.

Today's old emperor has a haggard face and snow-white hair.

"My son, meet the emperor!"

The old emperor hurriedly stretched out his hand to support her, "Excuse me, let me take a good look at you, quickly take off the mask!"

The old emperor was a little scared, worried about seeing a dark and rough face.

The old emperor even took a heart-protecting pill first, for fear of being too frightened.

The corner of Her Royal Highness's mouth twitched, and she slowly took off the mask.

"Huh!" The old emperor let out a heavy breath: "Fortunately, she is still my most beautiful eldest daughter!"

Her Royal Highness: "..."

She didn't expect that after ten years of not seeing each other, her father didn't care about the soldier talisman or the territory that was conquered, but cared more about her face!
It's really... Everyone has a love for beauty, and her father is the most important.


Returning to the residence, looking at the unchanged furnishings, the eldest princess felt a little dreamy.

After washing and dressing up, she was still wearing men's clothes.

When the old emperor saw the man in men's clothing, he felt a little melancholy: "Don't you like red makeup?"

The eldest princess smiled casually: "I'm used to this."

She sits like a horse, and from the way she behaves, she looks exactly like a man.

The old emperor sighed: "I've already returned to Beijing, so let's change this habit. By the way, I'll tell you about the son of the Minister of War..."

Then the old emperor made a hard recommendation, introducing almost all the men of the right age in the imperial city.

"I've said so much, do you like anything?"

"No, Erchenkov, I don't want to hurt anyone."

The old emperor's mouth was bitter, and he blamed himself in his heart.

He took a deep breath, and said the secret he had kept for many years, "The prince of Zhennan Hou is dead, and you will not be able to kefu again."

"Oh?" The eldest princess raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect her father to say it.

But... I have already killed the son of Zhennanhou, maybe my father guessed what the son of Zhennanhou said, so I will confess now.

This so-called confession is just because I don't want to create a estrangement between father and daughter. After all, I am now the Zhentian General, who holds the military power in his hands, and only recognizes her as the leader of the newly conquered territory.

After hearing the old emperor's grievances, Her Royal Highness just said lightly: "The past is in the past, and I am used to it alone."

"How can I do that! You are alone, alone!"

"If father insists, then help me find Bai Yu. I will not marry anyone but him."

The old emperor was quite embarrassed: "Bai Yu... his face is ruined."

"It's ruined, it's ruined, I don't care."

"Is it true that no one will marry except him?"


(End of this chapter)

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