Chapter 1209 A Small Horn (63)

When the old emperor saw Wang Yixing, he even begged him in a low voice, but Wang Yixing did not tell the old emperor Bai Yu's whereabouts.

The old emperor gave Bai Yu's father another drink, but he was drunk last time, this time General Bai didn't drink much, for fear that he would drink too much and talk nonsense.

The old emperor really had no choice but to adopt the method of stalking.

After annoying Wang Yi for more than a year, Wang Yi finally let go, saying that Bai Yu was arranged by them in a valley.

Her Royal Highness found the valley, but what she saw was Bai Yu's tomb.

It turned out that the reason why Wang with a different surname let go was because Bai Yu passed away last month.

Using the secret technique, he was seriously injured, so he hugged Zhennan Wang Shizi with his four limbs, and he bit the tip of his tongue and used the secret technique again.

Bai Yu never told her that besides turning her into a cripple for three months, using the secret technique will shorten her lifespan by ten years for the first time.

Use the second time, 20 years less life expectancy.

He used it twice and lost nearly 30 years of life.

In addition, he was poisoned, although the poison was cured, but the remaining poison was not cleared, and he refused to take the medicine all the time, because his face was ruined and his mood was depressed...

In this way, it is a fluke to live another four years.

Standing in front of the tombstone, Her Royal Highness was so dizzy that she vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Your Highness!" The little maid reached out to support her.

Her Royal Highness shook her head, "You don't need to help me."

"I won't go back to Beijing. In this life, I just want to stay here with him."

Her Royal Highness stretched out her hand and gently stroked Bai Yu's name on the tombstone.

"Your Highness..."

"Go to the border town to find him, it's time to get married, don't waste any more time because of me."

"If Your Highness doesn't marry, I won't marry either! Moreover, there is no possibility between me and him!"

The little palace lady felt uncomfortable when she learned that the businessman helped Bai Yu pretend to be the eldest princess. Later, she became more and more indifferent to the businessman. The businessman's mother was seriously ill, and she insisted on giving him the maids around her as housemaids, but he did not refuse. .

"It's just a servant girl, just let it go." Born in the palace, Her Royal Highness is not very opposed to having three wives and four concubines. From her point of view, concubines are just objects, things that follow the mistress.

But the little maid is different, she was born in a farmer's family, her parents have been monogamous since she was a child, and everyone in the village is also monogamous, although the biggest reason is that the village is poor, and men who can marry a wife have already spent all their belongings. No money for a second one.

The little court lady who grew up in this environment cannot accept that her husband has a second woman besides her.

"Your Highness, a broken mirror is hard to reunite."

Hearing this, Her Royal Highness did not persuade her anymore, "If you want to stay, then you can. If you want to leave one day, then you can leave."

"Okay! As long as His Highness doesn't drive me away, I will never leave for the rest of my life!"


On the first night of living in the valley, Her Royal Highness dreamed of many bizarre things.

After waking up, she smiled bitterly: "I want to dream of you, it's so difficult."

It is said that people will have dreams when they die, and they will appear in dreams.

But Her Royal Highness has never dreamed of Bai Yu.

Flowers wither and bloom, year after year has passed.

It was not until the old emperor became seriously ill and died soon that Her Royal Highness the Princess stepped out of the valley.


Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess stood by the old emperor's bed, listening to the old emperor babbling with his eyes closed.

But she remembered that the little maid did not forgive the merchant because of a housemaid, and she broke up with him from then on. She was afraid that after she found someone to accompany her, Bai Yu would be as heartless as the little maid, and she would not be able to find him after she died. .

Bai Yu is really unfeeling. For four years, she has never seen each other. When we met again, it was only for her to see a grave.

She has no doubt that such a heartless Bai Yu will completely ignore her when she finds out that she has found someone else, let alone continue her relationship in the next life, she may never see her again in her lifetime.

The old emperor tried his best to persuade him, but to no avail.

The old emperor coughed wildly, coughing up a puddle of blood.

Her Royal Highness lowered her eyes, her heart filled with indescribable sadness and complexity.

"Zhen, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight." There seemed to be a premonition in the dark that people were about to die.

"Father, don't say such unlucky words."

"Give the military power to your brother. If I die, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave the palace."

"Give it, so the son can go out?"

The old emperor closed his eyes and did not speak.

The meritorious service is overwhelming, the new emperor's throne is unstable, and the general Zhentian will undoubtedly die.

Even if she hides in the valley, how can she allow others to snore beside the couch.

As long as she lives, the new emperor will not feel at ease.

The old emperor sighed: "Let you find someone to marry, maybe the husband's family can help you. Now, I am dying, and the cub has grown into a fierce tiger, and I can't keep you. You, you shouldn't Enter the palace."

"Father is seriously ill, how can the son not come?"

The old emperor trembled, and took out a black token, "This is a mysterious order for the imperial guards, here you go. I hope you can escape this disaster."

It was windy, rainy, and thunderous that night.

The old emperor died in this rainy night.

(End of this chapter)

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