Chapter 1210 A Small Horn (64) End
The eldest princess narrowly escaped death and left the palace, but the new emperor dug Bai Yu's grave and threatened her!

Her Royal Highness the princess never imagined that she would have a day when she would send troops to invade Daxia.

She invaded Daxia with the foreign forces brought under her command, just to get back Bai Yu's body.

The new emperor knew that his life was exhausted, so he burned the coffin and the bones in the coffin in a frenzy.

Her Royal Highness beheaded the new emperor, and wept uncontrollably in front of the coffin that had been turned into ashes.

A gust of wind blew away that layer of powder.

From the ashes, a gleaming golden thing resembling the tentacles of a small animal appeared!

Facing Daxia's current appearance, the little princess didn't know what to do.

The new emperor united all the princes to kill the eldest princess, and the eldest princess killed them all. Now there is no one in Daxia to inherit the throne, and the eldest princess returned to the valley with Bai Yu's ashes, ready to continue guarding in the valley. I don't want to go out one more step.

"Sister, do you really care about everything outside?"

"What does it have to do with me."

"Big Xia cannot live without a king..."

"Then choose one."

"They're all dead." The little princess was distressed.

"You, or your child, can take that seat."

"I can't, neither can my son..."

The little princess and Xiaoyao got married three years ago, they have a son and a daughter, and now she is two months pregnant.

"You are the princess of Daxia, why can't you be the queen? The child you gave birth to also has the blood of the royal family."

"The clan will not recognize it."

Her Royal Highness took out the military talisman, including the military talisman obtained from Zhennanhou Shizi.

Eighty percent of Daxia's troops are here.

"With these, whoever you want to be the emperor can do it, and no one dares to have an opinion."

The little princess dared not answer.

Her Highness the Eldest Princess clenched the little golden horn in her hand, and suddenly asked, "Where is the imperial mausoleum?"

As soon as the old emperor passed away, the new emperor united with all the princes to kill her. She has not been to the imperial tomb yet.

Little princess: "I'll take you there."


Facing the big lake in front of him, Her Royal Highness laughed softly: "Father always said that he lacks water in the five elements, but he never thought that he would find such a place to rest in peace after death."

"Sister, you can't go in, it's dangerous inside."

"Is it very dangerous?" Her Royal Highness shook her head: "How can the dead be in danger of the living?"

"Yan'er, you go back, I want to guard the imperial tomb."

"Sister, don't you...don't stay by Young Master Bai's side?"

The eldest princess opened her palm, and there was a small golden horn in the palm, "He is always by my side."

After the eldest princess entered the imperial tomb, she never came out again.

The little princess waited by the lake for seven days, and finally went back because she was pregnant. At the end of the year, she gave birth to a baby boy.

Because the baby boy was born in this troubled year, the little princess named him Ping An.

Ping An showed extraordinary talent at the age of seven, and later became the new emperor.

When Ping An was 20 years old, the sky suddenly became dark, the sky was covered with thunderclouds, the thunder was rolling, and disasters arose all over the world.

At this time, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess in the imperial tomb walked out of the imperial tomb.

Lei is here for the eldest princess.

For 20 years, the eldest princess chanted scriptures and chanted Buddha in the imperial mausoleum, only wishing that Bai Yu's reincarnation would give birth to a good pregnancy.

But with the practice of chanting scriptures, Her Royal Highness has realized some things, and her cultivation level has improved accordingly. She saw the Zen mechanism in her dream, and now it's time to ascend in place.

A thunderbolt struck down from the sky, heading straight for the Tianling Gai of Her Highness the Eldest Princess. Her Highness did not dodge, and her hair was burnt to ashes immediately.

At this moment, Her Royal Highness's appearance has also undergone slight changes. The thunder strikes again, and Her Royal Highness is bathed in the thunder and lightning. .

The eldest princess gradually changed from a woman to a man.

Thunder and lightning wrapped around him like a thunder snake, and the thunder light covered the eyes of outsiders, and no one could spy on the changes here.

The thunder light transformed into a piece of armor on his body...

When the thundercloud dispersed, Her Royal Highness the Princess did not exist in the world, but the God of War appeared.

The figure of the God of War is illusory, with a sense of transparency, and the sunlight passes through him.

This is not his body, but just a part of his soul.

The God of War's eyes fell on the lake, and then looked up at the sky, looking far away, as if he could have a panoramic view of all life in the mountains, rivers and rivers of this world.

"Failed again." He sighed softly: "Even if I exchanged identities with you and went through all this on your behalf, it still...failed."

"When... will you be able to awaken your main soul?"

God of War raised his hands in the air, and the whole world trembled.

It seems that he is getting bigger, or the world is getting smaller. In the end, God of War stands in a dark universe, holding a sphere in his hand, and throwing the sphere in the posture of throwing a shot put.

In the universe, all the planets are rotating and changing. Every second, planets are destroyed, or new planets appear.

The alien domain fell into a certain planet and turned into a lake, waiting quietly in the long river of time...

A long dream, like being there, and like watching a movie, the feeling is very wonderful.

Little Taotie was woken up by the alarm clock, blinking his sleepy eyes, unable to recover for a long time.

In the dream, she first turned into a comb and stayed by the princess's side all the time. Later, she seemed to possess Bai Yu's body. Sometimes she seemed to be able to control Bai Yu with her will, but sometimes she couldn't.

Whenever Bai Yu drinks too much, she can cover a little bit of her willpower, so Bai Yu's power will become very strong after drinking.

But most of the time, Little Taotie can't change anything.

She could only watch Her Highness the Eldest Princess and Bai Yu live and die apart, and see how to cherish the Eldest Princess after she lost it.

"So sleepy." She yawned.

As if she hadn't slept, she had a dream all night, and she closed her eyes again, ready to go back to sleep again.

The golden comb on the bedside table turned into a small golden horn, which gradually faded... until it became transparent and disappeared completely.

And the little Taotie once again entered the dreamland.

She stood in the icy world, in front of her was the familiar ice coffin, and on top of the ice coffin was the phantom shadow of a huge gluttonous beast.

Yuanshen's limbs were solidified before, but this time the horn on the top of the gluttonous beast's head became solid, golden and emitting a halo.

"A little horn?" She jumped up, reaching out to touch the golden little horn.

There were footsteps approaching, and she looked back.

The people who came could not see her.

She recognized the person who came, the lieutenant general.

The lieutenant stared at the materialized golden horn in surprise, and muttered to himself: "A horn represents a soul. Only by merging with the main soul can the tentacles of the primordial spirit be repaired..."

Little Taotie still wanted to listen, but she heard someone calling her, "Little Taotie, little Taotie..."

Little Taotie opened his eyes, looked suspiciously, and saw Feng Qi.

"Feng Qi, you're back!"

Feng Qipiao looked at her beside her, turned into a little fox and sniffed between her brows, and said in surprise: "Little Taotie, you now have two souls and one soul? When did you find the other soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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