Chapter 1242 Winter Screen Moment
Winter is coming, the night is darker earlier than usual, and the evening wind is cold, more people like to stay at home to watch dramas, and most people who go out choose to go to the cinema to escape the cold wind.

The cold winter of the environment has ushered in the peak season of the film and television industry.

And this winter, a little cub started to dominate the screen!

The champion of the variety show looking for a heroine is Xiao Taotie, and the supporting role selected is Xiao Lingzhi. This film and television work is also released this cold winter. Although Xiao Taotie plays the heroine's childhood, it is still eye-catching.

Immediately afterwards, a movie adapted from Video No. 3 was released. This movie was released simultaneously in a hundred countries, with many different versions.

For example, in China, children hate carrots, but in some western countries, children hate broccoli. The details of each version are very good.

An edited version of the Variety Show of the Space-Time Demon Management Bureau was released, and a few of the most distinctive stories were selected and turned into a fast-food movie.

The Xianxia drama co-operated by Xiao Taotie and Gu Yixing is also broadcast on major platforms. Although it is a paid TV series, it is still more popular than some free TV series in the same period.

Xiao Taotie's advertisements are even more popular on all major platforms.

Usually viewers buy memberships to skip advertisements, but this winter, the platform feels a little bit of a loss, because many people actually canceled their memberships just to watch advertisements, which makes people laugh and cry. The vacancy was filled.

This winter's work can be regarded as a big test for Xiao Taotie in the past two years.

It's the end of the year, and Xiao Taotie is expected to win the best newcomer award with some weight in the industry.

And in school, the big exam has begun!
Little Taotie finished the paper early, but did not rush to hand it in, but checked it carefully.

She was a little worried that she would not be able to keep the second place!
Although it's embarrassing to be the second child in a thousand years, it will be even more embarrassing if you fall to the third place!

So the little girl checked again.

After checking back and forth three times, the little girl handed in the test paper after making sure that she did not lose points due to carelessness.

Hua Jinyan was assigned to another examination room, handed in the test paper early, and stood by the door of Xiao Taotie's test room, waiting for her.

As soon as Xiao Taotie went out, he saw Hua Jinyan, "What's the answer to the last question?"

Little Taotie stared nervously at Hua Jinyan, afraid that the answer he said would be different from what he wrote.

When Hua Jinyan uttered the answer and found that the answer was the same as what he had written, Little Taotie heaved a sigh of relief, Xiao Li dimpled deeply, and smiled.

"Let's go back. How do you plan to spend the next winter vacation?" Hua Jinyan took her little hand and found that it was a little cold, so he held it even tighter.

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, and the little milk voice was very serious: "If I get the newcomer award, I plan to participate in various auctions this winter vacation. If I don't win the newcomer award, I plan to make more scenes. Hard work can make up for one's weakness. Quantitative changes bring qualitative changes. Try to get the newcomer award next year."

"The movie adapted on the 3rd has been released for 7 days, right?"

Xiao Taotie nodded: "The domestic box office broke 20 billion, not too much, not too little, the highest movie in the same period broke 30 billion."

"Don't know the box office abroad?"

Xiao Taotie: "I should know in two days, because this movie is considered a science fiction movie, and it may be more popular abroad."

"What kind of movie broke 30 billion?"

"It's a period drama, and the heroine travels back to the 70s to make a fortune." Xiao Taotie sighed: "It should be impossible for No. 3 to surpass it."

(End of this chapter)

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