Chapter 1243
Hua Jinyan searched the content of this period drama, nodded: "The plot is very deep, and the things of that era are suitable for all ages, and the audience is more than that of science fiction movies. It is really not easy to win." possible."

Little Taotie muffled: "It's just like an exam, it's impossible to win against you."

Seeing her aggrieved and squinting at him, Hua Jinyan couldn't hold back, and laughed softly.

Little Taotie looked away, and snorted: "The second child of a thousand years is the second child of a thousand years, and the second is not ashamed anyway!"

It is a prophecy, the last No. 3 is indeed the box office runner-up, although it is not the first, but the box office is indeed very objective.

If it hadn't been for such a powerful No.1, if it was released at a different time and staggered from No.1, it would definitely be number one.

However, according to the box office ranking of all movies in the past three years, it will still rank second, but it is already a good result that is difficult to surpass.

The school test results are also released.

Little Taotie looked at the class list.

The second child of the millennium!

She ran to see the whole grade list.

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's still the second."

Standing behind her, Xiao Caicai sighed when she saw that her name was No.5: "Even Xiaopang did better in the exam than me. I want to study this winter vacation!"

Xiaopang was already cheering: "I'm the third in the whole grade! Hahaha, it's great, I'm treating you, today I invite the whole class to sing K and have a buffet!"

Today is also the last day to go to school to check the grades and receive homework for the winter vacation, and the winter vacation starts tomorrow.

The children with good grades are of course very happy, but the children with poor grades will suffer. I am afraid that they will work harder than when they went back to school. The family arranges make-up classes from morning to night, and the whole winter vacation is wasted.


Xiaopang did well in the test, and his mother was very happy, so he ordered a cartoon-themed KTV.

The entire private room is very large, the left part is the princess style, and the right part is the island style, suitable for boys and girls to choose their favorite area.

The sofa of the princess style is also beautiful pink lace, and various fruit cakes are placed on the pink crystal coffee table, which smells sweet and fragrant.

The seat in the island area is a big boat with chocolate cake and chocolate pie on the board.

A little fat man broke into the princess area.

When Xiaopang reached for the third piece of cantaloupe, Xiao Caicai became angry: "Go to your boy's area, this is our girl's place!"

Xiaopang just refused to leave: "My mother ordered this place, and it's all my territory. Hehehe, I'm going to play here!"

Girls, the cakes here are sweeter and more delicious, so don't leave!

Xiao Caicai couldn't do anything about him, and said angrily, "You are here, we girls can't tell little secrets between girls!"

Xiaopang smiled stupidly: "Then just treat me like a girl, and I promise not to tell." He also made a movement of zipping his mouth.

Xiao Cai Cai was furious, but there was nothing she could do about him, and she called the waiter, "Give me a chocolate-flavored cocktail."

Xiaopang stared round his eyes: "You! You dare to drink!"

Xiao Caicai was triumphant: "There's nothing to dare!"

Unfortunately, the waiter said apologetically, "Sorry, the cartoon-themed rooms do not serve alcoholic drinks."

Xiao Cai Cai was dumbfounded.

Xiaopang laughed like crazy, rolling on the beautiful princess sofa: "I laughed to death!"

"Don't laugh! Fatty, if you laugh at me again, I'll beat you!"

"You hit~~~"

"Hmph!" Xiao Caicai rolled up her sleeves and went to fight.

Hua Jinyan also sneaked into the princess area at some point, sitting next to Little Taotie.

Little Taotie whispered in his ear: "Xiao Caicai is much more lively than before. When participating in the treasure chest, she was a little depressed and her smile was fake."

Hua Jinyan raised the corner of his mouth: "People will always change."

Little Taotie stuffed a piece of cantaloupe into his mouth, and said vaguely, "I miss Xiao Jinzi a little bit, and I don't know how she is now, whether she has changed."

"She should be on vacation too, haven't you been in touch recently?"

Xiao Taotie sighed: "She has also studied, but her grades are not good, so her sister confiscated her mobile phone and asked her to prepare for the exam, but I don't know how she did in the exam."

(End of this chapter)

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