Chapter 1249 Citrine Bracelet

Reporter A: "What were you talking to Little Taotie at that time? Little Taotie kept a stern face, as if very angry."

Facing the camera, Chen Yu showed a embarrassed smile: "I...I don't know how I offended her."

Reporter B: "Can you tell us something? What did you say at the time? Everyone is very curious."

With tears in Chen Yu's eyes, he said aggrievedly: "I can't remember clearly either."

Reporter A: "Is it because I can't remember clearly, or I dare not say it?"

Reporter C: "Looking at you, it seems that you have been threatened?"

Chen Yu glanced at reporter C, who stared at her, and met her gaze.

Chen Yu understood in his heart that this person was bribed by his agent.

Chen Yu lowered his head, and his voice was very soft, cautious: "Little Taotie's brothers... came to me and asked me what I said at that time..."

Reporter C asked: "You mean Boss Cheng? Gu Dingliu? The mysterious Mr. Qin? And Tao Tiancai?"

Chen Yu said hoarsely: "I... I have seen them all."

The reporters present gasped.

Reporter A exclaimed: "They all showed up? How did they threaten you? Don't be afraid, tell us, maybe we can help you."

Reporter B felt that this was a big melon, and also followed up and asked: "Yes, you don't have to be afraid, they can't cover the sky with one hand."

Chen Yu lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but when he raised his head to look at the camera, the corners of his mouth were pulled down, his eyes full of fear and fear: "They just asked me for a cup of coffee, they didn't threaten me, just... ...Just tell me not to talk nonsense."

Reporter C: "You mean to warn you not to tell us what you said to Xiao Taotie on the night of the awards ceremony?"

Chen Yu choked up a sob and actually cried on the spot.

The manager rushed to the stage and escorted Chen Yu to leave.

The reporter tried to stop him, and the microphone was almost on Chen Yu's face, "Chen Yu, what did you say to Xiao Taotie?" "Why did Xiao Taotie's big brothers come to threaten you?" Did Xiao Taotie have any secrets?" "Don't leave, the interview is not over yet!" "Tell us about it!"

The manager apologized: "I'm sorry, Chen Yu is emotionally unstable, we are leaving first, please make way, thank you, please make way..."

The interview ended with Chen Yu's departure, but it became more popular. Chen Yu's plausible words were enough to make people think a lot.

Brains are scary things.

The journalists' self-imagining is even more terrifying.

One report after another came out.

[Little gluttonous hand tore Chen Yu! 】

[Little Gluttony's big brothers seek coffee from Chen Yu! 】

[Chen Yu was jointly blocked by Xiao Taotie's big brother brothers! 】

[Chen Yu was threatened and broke down in tears! 】

[Little Taotie's shocking secret was revealed by Chen Yu, which angered the big brother of Little Taotie! 】

[Little glutton playing big cards! 】

[Little glutton is no longer pure, the entertainment industry is a big dyer! 】

【Little Taotie's secret! 】

The front row of hot searches is inseparable from Xiao Taotie.

Instead, the newcomer award at the awards ceremony was relegated to the back row: [Xiao Lingzhi took the stage to accept the award for Xiao Taotie! 】【Little Taotie won the Best Newcomer Award! 】【Little gluttonous bullying screen wins an award, hard work can make up for one's weakness! 】【Great Yield Gets a Qualitative Change, Little Gluttony Newcomer Award! 】

Xiao Taotie himself did not care about the right and wrong on the Internet, but sat in the private room of the cake shop with Xiao Lingzhi, and the two children happily ate cakes to celebrate.

"Congratulations, my dear Little Taotie!" Xiao Lingzhi handed the trophy to Little Taotie, and then gave a congratulatory gift.

The little Taotie took it happily, hugged the crystal trophy, and rubbed the crystal with his fleshy face, "It's cool, so comfortable! It's so beautiful, I like it so much!"

"Look at the gift I gave you!" Xiao Lingzhi giggled, "You will definitely like it too!"

Little Taotie opened the gift box, and there was a citrine bead lying in the exquisite velvet box.

Little Taotie touched the crystal bead, the dimple was deep, "It looks good~" She couldn't wait to put it on, it was just right.

Xiao Lingzhi handed her a small bag, which contained a few loose beads, "When the bracelet becomes small, you can fill it with beads."

"Thank you, Little Lingzhi, you are so thoughtful, I like it so much!"

"Hee hee, I knew you would like it. If I tell you the meaning, you will definitely like it even more!"

"What does it mean?"

"Make big money! Make big money! Wear citrine to attract wealth!"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and he took a sip on the bracelet: "Great! Next year I will work harder to make money!"

Little Lingzhi giggled: "I knew you would like it!"

The two little girls happily ate the cake. Xiao Lingzhi took out the camera and took a few group photos. She even dipped her finger in a little cream, and suddenly tapped it on the little Taotie's nose. She grinned and laughed, and the little Taotie followed suit. Learn, use the cream to point on the nose of the little Ganoderma lucidum.

The clear and cheerful laughter of two children came from the private room.

Chen Zi and Xiao Lingzhi's manager looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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