Chapter 1250 Ban her as she wished

When Chen Yu was complacent about making something out of nothing, he saw a video.

It was a reporter standing guard in front of a building, blocking Cheng Dong who was coming home from get off work.

Reporter: "After watching Chen Yu's interview, Mr. Cheng, do you have anything to explain?"

"Hey!" Cheng Guodong smiled mockingly, staring at the camera, as if staring at Chen Yu, his eyes full of disgust and disgust, "Since she created a misunderstanding that I will block her, then I will do as she wishes , block her."

"From today, friends who have cooperated with Cheng Guodong and have friendship with me, if we cooperate with Chen Yu, all cooperation between Cheng Guodong and you will be terminated, and our friendship with you will be cleared."

This is a threat from a big boss.

And this business tycoon does have the capital to say such things.

Chen Yu's agent received several emails, all of which were letters to terminate the contract.

His cell phone kept ringing, all of which were calls to cancel cooperation intentions.

In the end, there was a phone call from the head office: "Chen Yu, permanently ban."

This is a ban order from the head office.

So far, it has only been used three times.

The first one was a bad artist who was arrested by the police.The second is that the family has tens of billions of property waiting to be inherited. Under the pressure of his family, the company reluctantly banned this person.The third one is an old entertainer, relying on the old to sell the old, bullying many ignorant girls who are new to the circle.

This time there was a fourth big brother who tried to step on the little Taotie and slander the little Taotie out of nothing, and then the big brother confirmed the incident and banned her.

Chen Yu cried and shouted, but to no avail.

"I don't accept it, I can't just be banned for no reason!" She wiped away her tears vigorously, her eyes full of hatred.

The manager smoked a cigarette and sneered: "I've said it all, don't talk about things that are made out of nothing."

"But I got the popularity I wanted! If I didn't tell her brothers to trouble me, would I have the popularity I have now? Will those advertisements come to my door?"

"It is true that there is popularity, and some advertisers have come to the door, but now? What is the result? You were blocked, the popularity was cleared, and the advertiser called to cancel the cooperation intention. What did you get?"

"I don't accept it, I can't just fall down like this, I want to hold a press conference! Before I got so much heat out of nothing, now he really wants to block me, I will definitely get more heat! Help me, help me again Me once!"

"Stop dreaming." The manager shook off her and said coldly, "I'm going to bring other artists."

"You can't go, you can't just go!"

Chen Yu hugged the man from behind, and lowered his voice: "I will do anything to you, you can tell me to do anything, help me..."

The manager's eyes were full of disgust, he tore him away from his body, pushed him to the ground, condescended, and said contemptuously, "I'm not interested in bean sprouts like you."

"Whoever can help me, I am willing to do anything!"

"Heh!" The manager turned around and left, too lazy to talk nonsense with this self-willed and depraved little girl.

Offended Cheng Dong and was blocked by Cheng Dong, can anyone help her?

Unless she is beautiful and fruity and a natural beauty, maybe she can find some overseas resources. After all, Cheng Dong can only call the wind and rain in China, and he doesn't have such skills overseas.

But she doesn't look in the mirror either. A 12-year-old girl has an average face and an average figure. Who would offend Cheng Dong for such an ordinary girl?


Do not live by sin.

(End of this chapter)

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