Chapter 1251 No chance to be lazy
After Gu Yixing saw Chen Yu's interview, he was so angry that he was about to post a W blog saying that he had never approached Chen Yu, let alone drink coffee with such a liar who was full of lies. The method blocked Chen Yu.

Gu Yixing dialed the phone and jokingly said, "Brother, you are amazing!"

Cheng Guodong: "Since she wants me to trouble her so much, I will do as she wishes."

Gu Yixing laughed out loud: "She originally wanted to talk nonsense to increase the popularity, but she didn't expect to be completely banned in the country. If she wants to develop, she can only develop overseas, but she has mediocre qualifications. This ability goes abroad."

Cheng Guodong: "It is impossible for her agency to arrange foreign resources for her. Besides her, there are five artists under her manager, and it is impossible to help her obtain overseas resources. appear on the screen."

Gu Yixing: "Hahaha, this trick is not a rumor, clever! I learned it!"

Cheng Guodong: "It also depends on who uses it, like you, I'm afraid you can't just block whoever you want."

Gu Yixing said angrily: "It's okay, I have a big brother, whoever offends me, I'll go home and ask my big brother to block them!"

Cheng Guodong: "It's not impossible."

Gu Yixing: "Is there someone behind this Chen Yu? The words that were said on the day of the award ceremony were too ugly."

Afterwards, Gu Yixing went to find the celebrity who was sitting near the two of them at that time, because Gu Yixing was also a member of the circle, so those people repeated Chen Yu's words as if they were gossip.

Cheng Guodong narrowed his eyes: "It's just that Chen Yu wants to take the opportunity to hype."

Gu Yixing was dubious: "Is there really no one behind her to encourage her?"

Cheng Guodong: "If someone instigated her to end up like this, she would have come to the door to beg for mercy, and bit the person behind her out for her crime, wouldn't she?"

The reason why Cheng Guodong was so ruthless was because he was fishing. He wanted to see if Chen Yu would go to some people when he was desperate.

He sent someone to keep an eye on Chen Yu. So far, Chen Yu is like a headless chicken, and he hasn't looked for anyone.

Gu Yixing: "It's just that there are so many things between child stars. They say some nasty words because of jealousy, and they deliberately irritate my sister because they want to take the opportunity to hype. You say my sister grows up, what should I do? When the time comes, the nasty words No less than now, I am in the entertainment industry, and I know that there is never a shortage of famous scenes between female stars."

Cheng Guodong rubbed his temples: "I can only take one step at a time."

Gu Yixing: "After Chen Yu's incident, I'm afraid that some people who are not clear-headed will sympathize with Chen Yu from Chen Yu's point of view, and say some unpleasant things at that time."

Cheng Guodong sighed: "I'll arrange some overseas jobs for her. Don't stay in China for now. Let's wait until this storm passes."


Xiao Zai Zai, who planned to be lazy during the winter vacation, took a late sleep with the trophy in his arms.

The door was knocked.

Little Taotie rubbed his eyes, dragged on his slippers, and opened the door slowly: "Brother Chen Zi?"

"It's me, I'll pack your things for you."

"Clean up your things?" Little Taotie was still asleep, a little cute, with a bristling hair on the top of his head, and a pair of eyes full of bewilderment.

Chen Zi rubbed her head, pushed down the stupid hair, and said with a smile: "I received an overseas job, packed up my things and set off, and strive to arrive at the destination tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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