Chapter 1252
Little Taotie hugged the little bear in the pink sweater tightly, and didn't know how he got on the plane.

Chen Zi handed her a cup of milk tea: "Drink some tea and refresh yourself."

Little Taotie took it, took a big gulp, and regained his energy.

"Didn't you say that the winter vacation is a holiday, no study, no work, no special departments, let me play the whole winter vacation?"

Chen Zi laughed out loud: "Don't you want to make money to buy a house? This job offers too much."

The little girl who was pouting her mouth reluctantly pursed her lips, and Xiao Li dimpled, and asked softly, "How much?"

Chen Zi smiled and said, "It's M gold, 500 million."

Little Taotie took out his phone.

She had already played with her mobile phone a lot, found an app that calculates the exchange rate, and immediately calculated the price difference.

The little girl's pear dimple sank even deeper.

"Don't be lazy, get up and make money!" Xiao Taotie clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

She has already figured it out, when she finishes her work and gets the money, it will be almost New Year's Eve, and donating all of it at that time will also help the younger brothers and sisters in the disaster-stricken area have a good New Year!
"What kind of program is it, can I do it well?"

With so much money, Xiao Taotie was worried that if he did not do well, he would be deducted money.

Chen Zi smiled and handed her a piece of strawberry cake, "It's a variety show called Home Alone."

"As the name suggests, seven children under the age of ten temporarily set up a family and become brothers and sisters. The parents are not at home. The seven of you have to take care of each other and support each other for a week."

Little Taotie blinked: "Cook, wash, clean up the room by yourself?"

"Almost, but you can't just take care of yourself, you have to take care of other brothers and sisters. The seven of you have to help each other. During these seven days, the program team will also arrange for some trouble to come to your door. You have to calmly deal with all possible problems that may occur when your parents are away."

"Will you give us money?"

"I won't give you money, and I will confiscate your money."

"Then... will the snacks be confiscated?"


Little Taotie: "...What will you give us?"

"The ingredients that need to be cooked may have some simple semi-finished products, such as sausages and chicken nuggets, which can be cooked as long as they are placed in the oven."

Little Taotie exhaled lightly: "I won't starve to death."

Her little hand subconsciously clenched the horse face bell hanging on her waist, thinking that it was impossible, so she used evil spirit chocolate to satisfy her hunger, and only ate evil spirit chocolate for seven days.

Chen Zi noticed Xiao Taotie's movements and shook his head: "There are cameras in every corner, you can't turn into evil chocolate out of thin air."

Little Taotie looked at him in disbelief, his eyes seemed to be accusing: You are embarrassing me!
Only with evil spirit chocolate can she control her appetite. If she doesn't eat evil spirit chocolate, she needs to eat several times that of an adult in a day, and she may not be able to eat enough.

"How many pieces of evil spirit chocolate do you need every day to maintain the food intake of an ordinary child?"

Little Taotie raised three fingers.

"Three dollars."

Little Taotie nodded.

"You give me 21 evil spirit chocolates, I will grind them into powder and put them in capsules. At that time, you will have three meals a day and take medicine with your meals."

Little Taotie: "...I will be treated as a medicine jar."

"It's okay, disguised as vitamin capsules and some children's nutritional supplements."

"...Okay then." Little Taotie's voice was muffled: "I can't even taste the taste of chocolate, I just slid down."

(End of this chapter)

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