Chapter 1253
"Home Alone" was filmed on a small island, which prevented the children from ordering takeout or doing unpredictable things, after all, children are always unexpected when they bear up.

In fact, this show has been filmed for three seasons. In the second season, the filming location was in the city. A brat called the police, saying that he had been kidnapped and had no food or drink. The police actually came and the whole filming The group went through an interrogation.

So from the third season onwards, they were all filmed on the island.

Xiao Taotie participated in the fourth season.

The seven children come from different countries, but because of the advanced technology, the children can communicate without barriers after wearing headphones.

Little Taotie dragged his suitcase to enter the villa, but was blocked in front of the door.

"Please open your suitcase."

Xiao Taotie opened the suitcase obediently, this kind of link is already very familiar to Xiao Taotie, basically every variety show that needs to check in has such a set of operations, and she will be notified in advance.

The program team sent people to start checking the suitcase.

It's winter in Huaguo, but it's not cold on this small island. You only need to wear long-sleeved single clothes.

Xiao Taotie's suitcase is basically filled with a change of clothes, the only difference is that there is an extra bear in a pink sweater.

The staff searched the little bear and said, "In front of you, there is a little fat man who also brought a little bear with him. There is a world inside that little bear."

Little Taotie blinked: "Did he hide something in the little bear's body?"

"No, money, chocolate, candy, and bank cards are hidden."

"You confiscated those things?"

"We even confiscated the bear from him."

Little Taotie hugged his little bear tightly: "Fortunately, I didn't hide anything."

The staff raised their eyebrows. Hearing this, the little girl originally wanted to hide?
Little Taotie looked at the pink sweater on Little Bear. The pink sweater has an inner pocket, which can hide some things.

She was trying to hide some money.

But she didn't know if the island used Hua Guo currency, because the cooperation fee they paid was M gold, so Xiao Taotie thought that M gold might be used on the island, but she didn't have M gold cash, and in the end she had nothing Hidden.

Little Taotie hugged the little bear even tighter in fear, and the little bear was almost confiscated.

The suitcase was checked twice, and after confirming that there was no problem, Little Taotie stepped into the villa smoothly.

The three children who had arrived sat on the sofa.

The oldest one is nine years old this year. He is an enthusiastic and cheerful kid. He stood up and introduced himself to Xiao Taotie, "My name is Tom, I am nine years old this year, and I am the oldest present so far. I should be arranged by the program team as this The big brother in the makeshift family!"

The little boy beside him stood up. He had curly hair, freckles on his face exposed to the sun, and he showed his big white teeth. He smiled innocently, "I am eight years old this year. I am of mixed race. My mother is I am from M country, my father is from Hua country, and my Hua country name is Li Dahe."

The third one is a little girl, she stepped forward and held the hand of the little Taotie, brought the little Taotie to the sofa, and asked her to sit down.

"I am seven years old this year. My name is Helen. I am also of mixed race, but my father is from country F and my mother is from country R."

The three of them have already introduced themselves, and this time it is Xiao Taotie's turn, and Xiao Taotie's little milk voice is soft: "I am seven years old this year, and I will be eight years old after the new year. I am from Hua, everyone Everyone calls me Little Glutton."

(End of this chapter)

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