Chapter 1254 I Can Make Strawberry Cake

Li Dahe became excited: "I know you~"

He made a swimming movement and smiled: "You are the Little Mermaid~"

Little Taotie's face flushed slightly, and he nodded.

Helen leaned over, snapped her fingers and said, "I was born in March, what about you?"

Little Taotie replied softly, "I was born in August."

Helen jumped high: "That's great, I'm my sister!"

Tom patted his chest: "I am the eldest, Da He is the second, Helen is the third, and Little Taotie is the fourth."

Helen looked at her cartoon watch: "When will the others come? It's almost time for lunch, I'm a little hungry."

Tom suggested: "Let's cook first, and when they come, we will have dinner together."

Helen said with a bitter face, "I don't know how to cook."

Li Dahe spread his hands: "Me neither."

Tom looked expectantly at Little Tao Tie.

Little Taotie said softly, "I can make strawberry cake."

Tom's eyes lit up: "Then let's make strawberry cake!"

Little Taotie's face was blushing, and she was happy to be able to help.

But when Tao Shen asked her to make it, the cake was already baked, all she had to do was squeeze the cream, cut up the strawberries, and make a pose.

When they came to the kitchen, facing the cobwebs and dust in the kitchen, the four cubs were dumbfounded.

Tom: "In the beginning, the living room was like this too. Dahe and I cleaned it up."

Li Dahe rolled up his sleeves: "I'm the best at cleaning! That's right, after sweeping the floor and cleaning the table, my mother will give me pocket money!"

Helen followed Li Dahe's example and picked up a broom to sweep the floor.

After sweeping a few times, the little girl coughed coquettishly.

Li Dahe sighed: "Third brother, why are you sweeping in front of yourself, the ashes are flying up, you will definitely cough! You follow me, sweep the ashes outside, yes, yes, that's it!"

Tom washed the sackcloth, handed one to Xiao Taotie, and used one for himself, "Fourth, let's clean the table together."

The little Taotie nodded obediently, and followed the little brother to wipe the table. The little Taotie was strong enough to wipe it clean.

Tom wiped the table clean with such an effort that his face was flushed.

Tom didn't take a breath when he saw the little glutton, and raised his thumb: "You are really good!"

While the four cubs were cleaning the kitchen seriously, the fifth cub arrived.

Seeing that the door was open, he walked in by himself.

This is a big-hearted child who brought nothing but himself.

"Is there no one? Or am I the first to arrive?"

Xiao Zai Zai got excited: "Hey hey hey, I'm the first to arrive, first come first, first come first, occupy the mountain as king! I'm the boss here!"

There was movement from the kitchen, and Xiao Zai Zai's face collapsed: "Is someone here first?"

He came to the kitchen door, poked his head and looked inside, and saw four people cleaning inside, he didn't go in, but stayed away from the kitchen.

"I'm going in now, and I must clean it together, no, no, no, I won't clean it!"

"My mother said that I am lazy, and if I want to come here to reform, I will not reform!"

"Looking for a place to sleep for a while?"

"Hey hey, great idea!"

Xiao Zai Zai talked to himself, and fell asleep on the sofa with peace of mind. Not long after, he started snoring.

The four cubs in the kitchen were already exhausted after cleaning up, but it was already lunch time, and they were also hungry, so they could only continue to work hard to prepare lunch.

Little Taotie searched around the kitchen, feeling a little dazed: "Why isn't there a small cake?"

Helen froze for a moment, covered her little heart, and asked tremblingly, "Is your strawberry cake based on the small cake?"

Little Taotie nodded his head: "Squeeze cream, decorate with's done!"

The eyes of the other three showed despair.

Tom held a bag of low-gluten flour with a bitter face: "We need to start from this step, there is no small cake as the basis."

(End of this chapter)

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