Chapter 1257

Helen was suspicious: "You didn't even check to see if anyone was here, and fell asleep as soon as you came? I suspect that you found out that we were working and didn't want to work, so you fell asleep on the sofa!"

The little boy was not blushing and his heart was not empty, and he was confident: "How is it possible? This is a strange place. I am alone. I dare not walk around, so I can only hide on the sofa, thinking that when someone comes, I have a companion." , Let’s explore here again. Maybe I stayed up late to fly, I was too tired, so I fell asleep.”

The little boy's eyes were so innocent, his little brows were wrinkled, his little face was wrinkled, a little pitiful and aggrieved.

Helen stared at him for a long time, trying to see signs of his lying, but she couldn't see anything, and could only reluctantly believe him.

The mother who wanted to reform her son was watching the surveillance. Seeing that her son had lied to everyone, she was furious: "This brat, No. 1 in adultery and trickery!"

The husband advised her from the side: "Don't be angry, always give him some time to change slowly..."

"It's all your mother's fault! What did you say that the lifeblood of Zhuge's family spoiled him as the emperor! The emperor has to wake up early to review memorials late at night! If he continues like this, he will have lazy sores..."

"It's not my mother's fault!"

The director said impatiently, "Be quiet."

Only then did the couple quiet down.

Besides the two of them, there are Li Dahe and Helen's parents here.

They all voluntarily sent their children to the island, hoping that the children would get rid of some bad habits and learn to be independent.

Li Dahe's father: "We hope Dahe can be more self-reliant, so we can send him to boarding school with confidence."

Helen's father shook his head: "The boarding school is not good, it is better to go to school."

Parents started a series of exchanges for commuting or boarding...

The children in the villa introduced each other.

The new kid is also of mixed race, his father is from Hua, and his mother is of mixed race.

"Your surname is Zhuge?" Li Dahe was very surprised.

Zhuge Xunming was triumphant: "Yes! My ancestors were very smart and powerful people!"

Li Dahe worshiped: "Is Zhuge Liang your ancestor?"

Zhuge Xunming raised his chin high, "Yes!"

Li Dahe: "Then you must be very smart too?"

Zhuge Xunming: "Yes!"

Li Dahe: "Then do you know what temperature and how long the stirred cake liquid should be baked for?"

Tom: "How would he know? Don't ask."

Helen: "He sure doesn't know."

Zhuge Xunming snorted coldly: "I know, 160°, about three to 10 minutes, check it from time to time, it will swell up, and the surface will be golden. If it is not enough, add another 5 minutes. It is best to preheat at 180° To 200°, the temperature is a little higher."

"You really know?" Helen couldn't believe it, and suspected that he was lying.

Li Dahe is convinced: "What you said is clear and right, even the preheating temperature is known, it must be true!"

Tom: "Let's try half the cake liquid first, don't bake it all."

Zhuge Xunming: "Don't try it, just listen to me! How troublesome it is to bake it twice!"

He rubbed his belly: "It happens that I'm hungry too, so go and bake!"

Helen was not very happy: "Aren't you helping? You only know how to command people!"

"That's right, your attitude is not very good, I don't like it." Li Dahe was also a little unhappy.

Zhuge Xunming lay flat on the sofa: "I'm tired and don't want to move."

Tom frowned and looked at him, his eyes full of disapproval: "If you don't help, you won't have a share of the cake later."

(End of this chapter)

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