Chapter 1258 The Little Shell Cake Burnt

Zhuge Xunming turned over and turned his back to them, "If you don't want to eat, you don't want to eat, I don't want to eat yet!"

They are unreliable at first glance, who knows if the food they make can be eaten, maybe it will ruin your stomach!

The four cubs went back to the kitchen and continued to work on their cake.

Tom: "It's fine to divide it into two parts and bake it. Don't make small cakes, just break a big piece."

Li Dahe nodded: "It's sticky, and it's troublesome to pour it out. Just bake it and cut it into small pieces. It's a bit ugly to break it by hand."

Helen frowned: "This mold looks good, why can't you bake small cakes!"

She is holding a baking pan grinder in her hand. The grinder is in the shape of shells. As long as the cake liquid is poured in, the baked small cakes will turn into small shells.

Tom looked at Little Taotie: "What do you think?"

Little Taotie: "It's the same as long as you eat it..." Facing Helen's aggrieved expression, Little Taotie coughed dryly: "But the new friends may find it disgusting, if we make the cake into the shape of small shells, maybe They'll think we're great."

Hearing this, the eyes of the two little boys lit up.

Little boys like the feeling of being admired the most!
Li Dahe: "Helen likes small shells, so let's make small shells."

Tom made a decision: "Okay! Just make small shells!"

Helen happily embraced the little Taotie's arm, and kissed the little Taotie's face: "Thank you baby~"

Helen's father is a romantic F countryman, warm and lovely.

Little Taotie was suddenly kissed, her little face flushed, and she felt a little embarrassed.

This is not a live broadcast. The only people who can watch the live broadcast are the staff of the program group and the parents of a few children. At this moment, Helen's mother from country R screamed, as if she had eaten sugar!

Director: "Hurry up, hurry up, write down this scene, it must be used as a promotional video!"

Tom found a large spoon, filled it up and put it in the cake pan.

Li Dahe was nervous: "Be careful, don't waste it, don't leak it outside..."

"Don't be so wordy, if you are arguing next to me, my hands will shake!"

"Okay, I won't talk, so be careful!"

"I know, I know……"

Two little boys carefully filled the cake pan.

There are ten small shells in a plate, and a half of the cake liquid is gone.

Tom: "Should be enough for fifteen."

Li Dahe: "A total of 25, seven of us, should be enough."

Helen: "The big slob doesn't count, he said he wouldn't eat it!"

Li Dahe: "That's 25 for six people, one person can eat 4, and one more."

Helen: "Give the extra one to the director, and flatter him."

The corner of the director's mouth twitched, who was watching the whole process: It's really a Q!
The four cubs are staring at the small cakes in the oven.

Time passed little by little.

Helen's little milk trembled: "They... are dark!"

Li Dahe had tears in his eyes: "Why don't they swell up?"

Tom: "It can't be baked anymore, it's all burnt!"

Zhuge Xunming, who asked about the burnt smell in the living room, couldn't sleep anymore, so he lazily got up. He came to the kitchen, picked up a little cake liquid with his fingers, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Have you beaten the egg whites?" ?”

The four cubs turned their heads to look over, and Helen became angry when she saw him, "You lied to us, the time and temperature are wrong, the cake is burnt!"

Zhuge Xunming put on a serious face: "Stupid without knowing it!"

Helen's little temper came up, and she bared her teeth and claws to scratch someone: "You dare to scold me, I will fight you one-on-one!"

(End of this chapter)

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