Chapter 1267
Tom pursed his lips, and said to him in a good voice: "We are a temporary family now, sorted by age, I am the oldest, so I am the temporary eldest brother."

Zhuge Xunming rolled his eyes: "I was born on January 1st, older than you."

Helen pouted: "Liar!"

Zhuge Xunming glanced at her sideways, and snorted coldly: "He said he was born on January 1rd, and you can believe it without proof or certificate, but you don't believe me when I said I was born on January 3st, are you treating him differently?"

"I'll treat you differently! How about it!" Helen put her hands on her hips, coquettish and willful.

Tom suddenly started rummaging through the suitcase.

Li Dahe asked: "What are you looking for?"

Tom found a small pass in the innermost zipped pocket of the suitcase.

"This is the birth certificate." Tom opened the certificate openly, pointing to the date of birth.

Zhuge Xunming didn't expect Tom to be such a serious person, touched his nose, and muttered in a low voice, "Who would carry a birth certificate with him?"

Helen crossed her arms, "It's your turn, what proof do you have that you were born on January 1st?"

Zhuge Xunming curled his lips: "There is no proof."

Li Dahe had an idea: "I have a solution!"

The crowd looked at him.

Li Dahe raised the phone in his hand: "Isn't there internet now? Add a friend, and the friend's birthday will be displayed!"

Helen clapped her hands: "Yes! Every time I will remind my friend's birthday!"

Zhuge Xunming: "..."

Seeing that his expression was weak, Helen snorted, "Don't you dare? You are a liar!"

Li Dahe rolled his eyes: "Maybe he's not even the second child, maybe he's younger than me!"

Helen: "This... do you believe it yourself?"

Li Dahe looked at Zhuge Xunming who was much taller than him, and he didn't believe that Zhuge Xunming was younger than him, but he still wanted to fight for it.

Originally Li Dahe was the second child, but now because of the arrival of three new guests, Zhuge Xunming, Hua Hua, and Wu Kong, his seat kept moving to the back row, and now he has fallen to the fifth child.

His surname is Li, but not Wang, so why should he be the fifth child!
Li Dahe urged Zhuge Xunming to take out his mobile phone and add friends.

Zhuge Xunming turned around and went back to the sofa, and turned his back to everyone when he lay down, "Don't bother me!"

How could Li Dahe let him go, and climbed onto the sofa directly, "Get up quickly, and add friends quickly!"

"Hey! Get off me!" Zhuge Xunming roared.

Li Dahe overwhelmed him and suppressed him: "If you don't add friends, I won't get up!"

"I'm sick!"

"Hurry up and add friends~~~"


"Don't leave~~~"

Li Dahe draws his voice close to his ear, making noise on purpose.

Zhuge Xunming was so depressed that he was finally defeated. He took out his phone and said, "Jajiajia! Get lost!"

Li Dahe added a friend as he wished.

Helen leaned over to look, saw Zhuge Xunming's birthday, curled her lips: "February 2, so you really are the second child!"

Zhuge Xunming turned his back to the crowd and said nothing.

Zhuge Xunming's mother laughed when she saw her son deflated, "He has a stubborn temper. He never bowed his head or gave in at home. Now someone finally made him give in."

Li Dahe's mother covered her mouth and smiled: "My son is just too annoying."

Director: "One thing drops one thing."

The task of taking care of Xiao Wang was destroyed by Zhuge Xunming, and the program team sent staff to knock on the door of the villa.

Li Dahe opened the door and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter?"

Staff: "Mission failed, all ingredients in the refrigerator were confiscated."

(End of this chapter)

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