Chapter 1268 Cub Guarding the Refrigerator
Li Dahe blocked the door and prevented people from entering, but the little man couldn't stop them, he was easily picked up by a staff member, and the others entered the door smoothly.

Hearing the movement here, each chose a room, and the little ones who cleaned up the room rushed over.

Li Dahe shouted at the top of his voice: "Stop them, don't let them go to the kitchen, they want to rob and steal our food!"

Little Taotie rushed to the kitchen first, blocking the door with his small body.

Hua Jinyan stood next to Little Taotie.

Even the lazy Zhuge Xunming got up from the sofa and stood in front of the kitchen door.

After a while, six cubs were blocked in front of the kitchen door.

The staff didn't take these cubs seriously, and the director sent a lot of people, so they planned to hold each of them, take these cubs away, and then go to confiscate the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Helen was the fiercest, but she was also the first to be carried away.

Wukong took out a round toy out of nowhere, the toy was the size of a palm, and after pressing the button, it turned into a stick in the blink of an eye.

It's just like a replica of the Golden Cudgel.

"Take a stick from my grandson!" Wukong held up the stick and was about to hit him, "Huh?"

Why can't you fight?

He looked up, and saw that the long stick held high was held by a tall staff member.

"Ah!" Wukong exerted all his strength, but it was useless, and the stick did not move at all.

Wukong was defeated and let go.

The stick fell into the hands of the staff.

The staff is also a wicked person, and even played a set of stick techniques in front of Wukong.

Wukong's eyes lit up, and he leaned over: "Uncle, can you teach me?"

"Okay, come here." The staff member waved to him.

Wukong passed away.

This cub didn't even need to be taken away, he just followed the person away.

Zhuge Xunming gritted his teeth: "Idiot!"

Tom tried to reason: "Before accepting the task, you didn't say that the ingredients in the refrigerator will be confiscated if the task fails, so you can't enter the kitchen now, and you can't take any ingredients. If you explain in advance, we won't stop you." Here, I hope you can make some sense."

Staff: "We are unreasonable. I will do whatever the director tells us to do."

Tom froze for a moment, with a stern face: "You can't be unreasonable!"

Staff member: "What the director said makes sense. He wants us to confiscate the ingredients in the refrigerator now, so we will follow this principle and confiscate the ingredients in the refrigerator."

"I want to see the director!" Tom clenched his fists, a little annoyed.

"The director doesn't see you, he's very busy." The staff found Tom's serious look a bit funny, deliberately teasing him, and said with a smile: "Not everyone in this world is reasonable, and your appearance is like a person who admits death. He's so old and stubborn, he doesn't know how to change things at all."

Seeing that Tom was sulking, Zhuge Xunming took a step forward and sneered: "Although we have participated in the program and signed a contract, we will follow the director's instructions in the program, but it doesn't mean that we will listen to what the director says. Is he The emperor here, tell us to kill and set fire, do we have to listen? Besides, we are minors, so what if we don’t abide by the rules and regulations in the contract? We won’t listen to the director, you let him bite me what!"

"Slightly slightly~~~"

Zhuge Xunming made faces at the staff, fingered them, and rolled his eyes.

It seems that as much beating as there is, there is as much beating as there is.

(End of this chapter)

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