Chapter 1269

There was a hot-tempered staff member who couldn't bear the gesture of the middle finger. He raised his anger, reached out and lifted Zhuge Xunming's back collar, and carried Zhuge Xunming away!

Zhuge Xunming struggled: "Put me down, big man!"

The staff casually slapped Zhuge Xunming on the buttocks, and laughed: "Stinky boy, you are very good at speaking, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute force, no matter how sharp your words are, it is useless!"

"You big, big, simple-minded man, I order you to put me down!"

The staff slapped his ass again.

Not much power.

Very humiliating!
Zhuge Xunming felt ashamed to death, and roared: "I want to sue you! I must sue you! You beat a minor, you go to jail!"

Zhuge Xunming was carried away, but his angry roar could still be heard, although the sound became farther and farther away.

In front of the kitchen door, Tom, Xiao Taotie, and Hua Jinyan were standing guard.

On the opposite side, there are six staff members standing.

Two against one, or two adults against one child.

The disparity in strength is huge.

The staff are all overseas, and they are tall and big. They only met Xiao Taotie in the No. 3 video and the recently released movie adapted from the No. 3 video. The inherent impression is that the girl in the movie is very powerful, but that is just special effects. .

The six of them don't take the three children seriously, but they also know that persimmons are picky.

Two little boys and a little girl, of course the little girl is easier to deal with.

A staff member stretched out his hand to hug Xiao Taotie, thinking that such a small girl could be hugged with one arm, so it looked effortless.

But when he stretched out his arm to hug Little Taotie, his arm was grabbed by a fleshy little hand, and then... the whole world was turned upside down in his sight!

"Bang!" The heavy object fell to the ground.

The staff lay flat on the ground, looking up at the ceiling, doubting life.

who I am?Where am I?What just happened?
The other five were dumbfounded.

They doubt their eyes.

What did they just see?I saw a little girl holding a muscular arm of a strong man with a small white and tender hand, and then retreated and threw it upwards. The strong man drew a parabola and fell heavily to the ground!

Seeing this scene in the surveillance, the director opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses: "So it's not a legend... She really has supernatural power!"

Zhuge Xunming's parents: "It's okay, it's okay, my son didn't offend little Taotie!"

Thinking of his son stretching out his claws to pinch Xiao Taotie's face, if Hua hadn't appeared at that time, would his son's hand be useless?

Zhuge Xunming's mother covered her heart with lingering fear.

The staff member lying on the ground couldn't get up for a long time, his bones seemed to be falling apart, he begged for help: "Help me, help me up!"

The five rushed up to help others, and none of them wanted to get closer to the kitchen.

The director sighed: "Come back."

The staff heard the voice in the headset and hurriedly evacuated without any hesitation.

No one wants to be thrown to the ground by the little girl with strange power, and he will know how painful it is when he hears the "bang"!

Although the injured staff member was in pain all over his body, his bones were not broken, but the soreness also caused him pain for several days, and he didn't want to seek death.

The six ran away in despair.

Not long after, the four cubs who were taken away were sent back.

Li Dahe rushed to the kitchen crying: "Did you hold it? Did you get snatched by those bandits? What shall we eat next?"

(End of this chapter)

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