Chapter 1270 Still Didn't Keep It

Tom still couldn't recover, he just felt like he was dreaming just now, and now he was brought back to his senses by Li Dahe's cries, and hurriedly nodded: "Hold it!"

Li Dahe's crying faltered, and he froze.

He had no idea that the refrigerator could hold on!

Zhuge Xunming also had a look of disbelief: "When I was taken away, there were still six staff members. How did you do it?"

Tom took a peek at the little Taotie, and whispered, "It was the little Taotie who drove them away."

"Are you sure?" Zhuge Xunming was full of doubts: "Just her?"

Zhuge Xunming stood beside the little Taotie and made a gesture of height: "This little guy?"

He thought about the heights of the six people, and raised his hand to make a gesture: "The six people are all above 180! How is it possible?"

Helen thought of something, rushed over and hugged Xiao Taotie's arm: "Little Taotie, is your strength real? Just like the Little Mermaid, you have the power to pierce through boats?"

Wukong was gesticulating with the golden cudgel, and he had just learned the method of turning the stick from the staff. Hearing this, he had no intention of playing with the stick anymore, and ran to the little Taotie, looking at the little Taotie with bright eyes, "My Angel, do you really have the divine power bestowed upon you by the gods?"

Li Dahe also ran over to join in the fun: "Really? Are you a strongman? Do you like spinach very much?"

Surrounded by three people, Little Taotie blushed, a little embarrassed.

Hua Jinyan pushes Wukong away and rescues Xiao Taotie.

Zhuge Xunming asked Tom, "Tell me what's going on."

Tom saw the curious gazes of the four above, and could only recount them in detail.

Hua Jinyan's ears moved, and he frowned: "There is movement in the kitchen."

Everyone became alert and pushed open the kitchen door.

Helen yelled, "Big rat! Put your things down!"

Several staff members climbed in through the kitchen window and ran away with their things in their arms, and escaped through the window.

When everyone chased to the window, they saw the backs of those people running wildly.

Standing in front of the empty refrigerator, Li Dahe burst into tears: "In the end...we still didn't keep it."

Wukong hugged the refrigerator door and wailed: "Refrigerator, we are the ones who are sorry for you!"

Helen sighed: "They are forcing us, for fear that we will not do the task well."

Tom nodded: "In the future, I'm afraid you can only get the food after completing the task."

Zhuge Xunming pursed his lips and lowered his eyes.

For the first time, he felt some remorse.

If he hadn't thrown "Lei Zhenzi" out, the mission would not have failed.

Zhuge Xunming coughed dryly, and said a little uncomfortable: "I'm going out to find the ingredients, and I'll get the ingredients for tonight."

The mistakes you make can only be made up for by yourself.

Before everyone could reply, he had already left the villa alone.

Although Helen doesn't like Zhuge Xunming who is always lying, she is still a little worried about him, "He is not familiar with the place here, where can he find ingredients?"

Li Dahe: "Will he get lost and not find his way back?"

Wukong frowned, and a golden hair on the top of his head stood up, "Will he offend someone and be beaten up?"

Helen: "It's possible. He has such a vicious tongue, and he keeps making faces and fingering. He is easily beaten."

Tom was also a little worried by what they said, "Shall we go out and find him?"

Zhuge Xunming's parents are also a little worried, but more of a sense of relief that has never been felt before.

Zhuge Xunming's mother: "My son would take the initiative to go out to find ingredients? It's unbelievable!"

Zhuge Xunming's father: "He finally left the sofa, it was not easy."


(End of this chapter)

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