Chapter 1280 Dark Brown Gray White
Boss Xiao Yang's smiling face hardened the moment he saw the water drop earrings, and he slammed the lid of the velvet box shut, making a symphonic closing sound.

"Miss Yu, just throw 3000 million into the water. It's best not to wear this thing forever."

Yu Lingyue raised her eyes, met Xiao Yang's boss's ashen face, and knew that something was wrong.

Yu Lingyue's vocal cords trembled: "I am now..."

She looked around, her voice was weak: "I won't be entangled by something... right?"

Boss Xiao Yang glanced at the two children and shook his head: "Not now, but I won't know at night."

Yu Lingyue remembered that there were still two ignorant children here, so she didn't discuss this topic further.

Little Taotie pricked up his ears and wanted to continue listening, but they stopped talking.

When the velvet box was opened just now, normal people could not see the wisps of gray-black smoke entwined on the water droplets, but the little Taotie could see it clearly.

Yu Lingyue said softly: "The box will stay with you, I will come back later, and I will send the two children back first."

Boss Xiao Yang nodded, looking down at the velvet box in his hand.

Helen was confused, and blinked blankly, "What are they talking about, the earrings in the box look good, why can't they be worn?"

Little Taotie made a hissing gesture: "The earrings are not clean."

The two little cubs thought their voice was very soft, but Boss Xiao Yang heard it.

Boss Xiao Yang raised his eyebrows: "It's crystal clear like water droplets, how can you say it's not clean?"

Little Taotie tilted his head, making sure that Boss Xiao Yang had flowers blooming on his head, and he liked someone who would not harm him, so he said in a childish voice: "Because it is entwined with black and gray smoke, it is a sign of bad luck and resentment." .”

I was just asking for fun, but I didn't expect to get such an answer.

Boss Xiao Yang's originally tightly pursed lips parted slightly, very surprised.

Yu Lingyue was taken aback, "What you said is true?"

Little Taotie nodded cautiously, pointed to his own eyes, "What I saw is absolutely true."

Boss Xiao Yang opened the velvet box again.

The water drop earrings in the box are crystal clear, clean and pure aqua blue.

But in Xiao Yang's eyes, it was a hazy filth.

He couldn't tell the difference between gray and black, he only knew that the pair of earrings were very dirty.

"Indeed, they are not clean." Boss Xiao Yang knelt down and looked at Xiao Taotie at the same level, but did not see the same place in her pupils.

Boss Xiao Yang took off his black contact lenses, revealing his eyes.

He is a pair of different pupils.

It is also a yin and yang eye.

One pupil is dark brown and the other is grayish white.

Yu Lingyue has long heard that Boss Xiao Yang has a pair of eyes that are different from ordinary people, but Boss Xiao Yang always wears contact lenses and has never seen the real appearance of these pupils.

Today, it was the first time to see the true face of Lushan with these eyes.

She felt that these eyes were mysterious and inscrutable, making people even more curious.

Helen was different, she was startled by those eyes, and hid behind Little Taotie, whispering, "It's so scary!"

Little Taotie coaxed softly: "Don't be afraid, he won't hurt us."

Boss Xiao Yang put on a pair of sunglasses, temporarily covered his pupils, and smiled lightly: "When you meet someone for the first time, you are more or less scared. People who are different from ordinary people are always difficult to be accepted. I am used to it. gone."

Just like his mother, when holding a baby for the first time, seeing the baby's unusual eyes, she was so frightened that she didn't hold the baby.

If it wasn't for his grandfather hugging him, he might not be healthy now.

Although he was smiling, Little Taotie felt that he seemed to be in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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