The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1281 Place an order and wait for someone to take the order

Chapter 1281 Place an order and wait for someone to take the order
Yu Lingyue originally wanted to send the two children back, and then go back to Xiao Yang's antique shop to ask about the pair of water drop earrings.

But now that Little Taotie is unwilling to leave, Yu Lingyue feels helpless.

Boss Xiao Yang looked at Helen, then at Little Taotie: "Aren't you afraid of scaring her, go back first."

Helen grasped Xiao Taotie's hand tightly, feeling terrified in her heart, but inexplicably excited at the same time.

In her limited life, she seems to have encountered very interesting things.

Little Taotie asked: "Helen, why don't you go back first?"

Helen shook her head vigorously: "I won't go back."

Little Taotie was surprised: "Are you not afraid?"

Just seeing the different pupils is scary, are you sure you won't be scared of what you hear later?

Helen took a deep breath: "Maybe I will be afraid, but I will overcome my fear. I want to stay and know more."

Little Taotie saw He Lun's shining eyes full of curiosity, understood what she meant, turned to Boss Xiao Yang, and asked, "Can she stay and listen together?"

Boss Xiao Yang frowned.

He faintly felt that Xiao Taotie seemed to be a member of the Taoist sect, so it didn't matter what he said to her.

But the other half-breed, it seems... not in good health, will he be scared to death?
Helen straightened her back in response to the suspicion in Xiao Yang's eyes: "I'm not afraid!"

Boss Xiao Yang smiled, quite helplessly: "Then you must overcome your fear."

Boss Xiao Yang reached out and took out the two earrings in the velvet box, "full of resentment."

Little Taotie added: "There is still bad luck."

Boss Xiao Yang nodded: "The wearer will indeed be unlucky, and will choke to death if he drinks cold water."

Yuling broke out in a cold sweat after realizing it.

Fortunately, she listened to her grandfather, and every time she bought things at the auction, she would come to Boss Xiao Yang to show him.


Thinking of the scene where I might wear the drop earrings to a banquet because they are beautiful, and then drink down the wine, choking to death on the spot...


The picture is too embarrassing, too embarrassing!
Is it okay to be choked to death in full view?
Yu Lingyue wiped off her cold sweat: "Is there a solution?"

In the past, she also bought something that was not very clean at an auction, and Boss Xiao Yang helped her solve it.

So this time, she felt that maybe Boss Xiao Yang would have a solution. After all, with 3000 million M gold, even if she was a wealthy lady, she still felt a little bit distressed.

Boss Xiao Yang: "I can't solve it."

He is still too young.

If grandpa is still alive and guarding Xiao Yang's antique shop, maybe he can help solve it.

Yu Lingyue was extremely disappointed.

3000 million yuan is exchanged into coins and thrown into the water, and the sound of water can still be heard.

Now... no splash at all.

Boss Xiao Yang: "I can help you issue a reward order, maybe someone from the Taoist sect will accept the order, but it will cost some money."

Yu Lingyue: "Can it be solved?"

"If you can accept the order, you have the ability to solve it."

"Then how much should I pay?"

"This thing, you bought it with 3000 million M gold, then spend about 20%, 600 million M gold."

Yu Lingyue thought it was acceptable, it was better than no splash at all.

She really likes this pair of water drop earrings, so she just bought them for 3600 million.

"Yes, I can accept the price."

Boss Xiao Yang nodded and turned on an old-fashioned desktop computer in the store.

"I've already placed an order, and I'm waiting for someone to take it."

"Thank you, always trouble you."

Boss Xiao Yang: "I didn't help much."

The little milk's voice suddenly sounded: "Can I make this money?"

(End of this chapter)

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