Hua Jinyan didn't care about their compliments, didn't look at them at all, but kept staring at the little Taotie until the little Taotie took a sip of the mushroom soup, the little pear dimpled on his little face, his eyes sparkled, and he took another quick sip, At this moment, Hua Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Hua Jinyan pays close attention to what Xiao Taotie likes to eat and drink.

Aunt Nanny has a few special dishes, and the little gluttons will order more and more, among them is this milk mushroom soup.

He was worried that he didn't do well, and that she didn't like to drink.

Seeing her empty bowl now, the corners of Hua Jinyan's mouth rose, and he was in a good mood.

When the director saw that they ate and drank well, he felt strange, and said in a muffled voice, "It's better than what we eat."

The deputy director who had the sushi stolen said angrily: "They have a lot of money in their hands, this show can't go on anymore, they don't deserve it at all!"

The director also felt a headache: "In the past, the little devils were given tasks to complete. Now I give them a choice of tasks, which is already very lenient, but they didn't even choose a choice! It's so annoying!"

Associate editor: "Let's show them something amazing!"

It was getting dark, and the cubs went back to sleep after taking a bath.

The night is very dark today, but there is no sign of rain, and there are not many clouds in the sky.

A figure wanted to climb into the house through the window, but the window was closed tightly without a single gap.

The staff was not stumped, but took out a key and opened the door directly.

Going in through the window is just for better shooting effect.

In fact, the staff has a spare key for the villa.

The door opened, and the staff swaggered into the house, swaggered into the kitchen, and it was another harvest.

The fridge is empty, the kitchen is empty.

The cubs who got up early in the morning were a little dumbfounded, but they were not panicked or angry.

The seven people discussed it, and all made disdainful squinting expressions towards a camera.

The director was about to lift the table, but the assistant editor held it tightly, and the assistant director sighed: "Eat breakfast first, calm down..."

The salmon sushi that was finally delivered, don't be ruined!
The assistant director finally got his wish to eat salmon sushi.

The director also picked up his chopsticks and asked, "Is this brought in by air?"

The deputy director smiled and said: "The freshest salmon sushi, didn't a sea ship dock yesterday, it was originally one of the tasks, let the children help unload the goods."

The director frowned, feeling that something was wrong, and asked doubtfully, "This taste... a bit like a sushi restaurant."

It's too familiar, he used to eat it often.

It's not like sushi made on the spot with salmon caught at sea.

The deputy editor-director ate, not taking it seriously, "Maybe the taste of seaweed is similar, and the salmon is very fresh."


The seven cubs had already guessed that the program group had no lower limit, and they would come to steal food again.

But this time they are not afraid, just steal it, anyway, they have eaten all the delicious food, and what is left is what they don't like.

They are rich cubs now, just go out and eat!
Because the program did not follow up, but only installed a camera in the villa, once the children leave the villa, unless they complete the task, the program team will let the photographer follow up, and the children are quite free at other times.

The director saw that there were no people in the video, and knew that the children were going out to eat, so he was a little ready to move: "Do you want to take a photographer to follow?"

Assistant editor: "This is against the rules. It was stated in the contract at the time that unless there is a task, children have the right to freedom in the shooting area at other times and cannot be monitored all the time."

The director was quite sorry, but he didn't insist.

As soon as the seven cubs left the villa, they saw a minivan driving by.

The car stopped, and the driver was a kind uncle: "Children, do you want a ride?"

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