"Yes, yes!" Wukong was the first to raise his hands high.

As the big brother, Tom was calmer and asked, "Uncle, how much does it cost?"

With the experience of tying cars yesterday, Tom knows that all rides on the island have to be paid.

But the uncle said with a cheerful smile: "No money, come up."

Li Dahe and Wukong were already holding hands and about to board the car, Helen frowned, a little wary, Tom didn't quite agree, but he felt that he couldn't take the car for nothing, he had to give money.

Helen thought, what a coincidence.

Things that are too coincidental are tricky things.

It's a coincidence that they have a ride when they go out. It's a coincidence that they have a large number of people, and a van comes. It's a coincidence that an uncle who looks amiable comes. The biggest problem is that he doesn't accept it. money!

This car is not a good brand car, but a very ordinary minivan.

Helen summed up her experience yesterday. If she wants to take a ride, she has to stop the car. Generally, these car owners are more generous. It’s okay to say that they don’t care about the gas money, or that they have high quality. Will not also set a high price.

On the contrary, some ordinary-looking car owners feel good about themselves, and charge sky-high prices for small broken cars, as if carrying a guest is a guest.

Later, Helen learned from Changfa's sister that the gas price on this small island is relatively high, so there are no taxis on this island at all.

If there are taxis on the island to solicit passengers, it must be a loss.

So the ride is more suitable for the development of this small island.

Most of the main islanders have cars, and very few people do not have cars.

Gas is so expensive, why should it be free?
People who are not very rich, people who don't care about oil prices, how strange!

Helen is full of doubts about this uncle. If there are too many doubts, even if he looks like a good man, he doesn't look like a good man.

Zhuge Xunming, Hua Jinyan, and Xiao Taotie also had the same idea as her!

Little Taotie usually reads a lot of detective novels and pays special attention to clues. He is a little boy who pays attention to details.

At this moment, she felt that there was something wrong with this car, very wrong.

The driver looked friendly, smiling, and unpretentious, but he wore a gold ring on his finger, a very exaggerated and outdated gold ring, which few people wear these days.

Little Taotie looked at his neck, and could vaguely see the golden color.

Appears to be wearing a large gold chain.

This is a rich man.

In addition to local tyrants, there is actually another group that would be so exaggerated.

That is the gangster in the film and television drama.

Movies and TV dramas come from life.

Xiao Taotie liked to chat with screenwriters when he was making movies and TV shows. He listened to a lot of stories told by screenwriters. Some of them were about these things. Don’t watch movies and TV dramas that are exaggerated. When you see the boss, you immediately bow respectfully. In reality, you are more respectful. boss.

Some even kneel down when they meet, which is very exaggerated.

Little Taotie clenched his fists tightly, and already concluded that the driver was not a good person.

Tom: "We have to charge you. If you don't charge us, we'd be ashamed to ride in your car. Only if you ask for a price can we take your car with peace of mind."

Seeing Tom's insistence, Wukong also nodded: "Yes, uncle, I can't let you give us a ride for nothing."

Li Dahe echoed: "The gas fee is so expensive, and you don't look very rich. Don't insist on it, just ask a price, we will pay, we have money."

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