Little Taotie clapped his hands and applauded: "Scared them to death! Hahaha, it's amazing, come out a little more!"

The black hole on the ground is like a bottomless pit, and Ah Piao comes out continuously, which explains how the more bullies the less.

The flower-armed men were all scared away.

With a wave of the brush, the little pigtails were sucked into the hole by a strong whirlwind. All the black holes shrank and turned back to the original ink dots. The ink dots floated up and flew back to the tip of the brush.

The little braid jumped up to the little Taotie, begging for praise: "Am I powerful?"

Little Taotie raised his thumb, "Amazing! Little braid is the best!"

The little braid raised her chest up, and the little braid on top of her head became even more energetic, "I'm the most powerful little devil!"

Except for Hua Jinyan, the other children were at a loss.

Helen blinked, looked left and right suspiciously.

From her point of view, the person who was about to hit Little Taotie with a nunchuck suddenly screamed, sat on the ground and couldn't get up, and then asked for help, the other men with flower arms ignored him and wanted to rush over He was catching people, but he screamed inexplicably like the nunchuck man, turned around and ran wildly, the nunchuck man was crawling and running on the ground, as if his legs were weak.

Are you intimidated?

Helen didn't understand very much, she tilted her head and looked at Xiao Taotie who suddenly clapped her hands in confusion, and saw that Xiao Taotie seemed to be talking to someone.

Helen followed the little Taotie's line of sight, but saw nothing, only air in front of her.

Helen blinked again, and continued to blink, but still saw nothing, but Little Taotie was indeed communicating with someone.

"Who are you... talking to?" It was Tom who asked, his voice trembling.

Little Taotie hurriedly covered his mouth.

The little girl's eyeballs were rolling around, pretending to press the earphones she was wearing, "Hey, brother, what are you talking about? The signal is not good, I can't hear clearly..."

Tom looked puzzled, dubious.

Little Taotie didn't look like he was on the phone just now.

Li Dahe was also puzzled.

Wukong picked up the nunchucks on the ground and started playing with a big heart.

Zhuge Xunming narrowed his eyes. He was a little more sensitive than the others. Although he couldn't see what happened just now, those men with flower arms should have been frightened by something. Combined with feeling a strange wind, Zhuge Xunming had some A bold idea.

Those flower-armed men shouted to hell just now, could it be that they really saw hell?

Although he can't see anything, it doesn't mean others can't see it, like the little glutton who talks to the air.

He felt that Little Taotie was not on the phone, the expression just now was obviously talking to the air in front of him, maybe it wasn't the air, but the "ghost" that those men with colorful arms shouted!
Hua Jinyan saw everyone standing on the side of the road, and the surrounding was so quiet, he turned his head and saw the door of the neighbor's house was wide open, and he was walking in that direction.

"Hua, where are you going?" Tom chased after him.

Hua Jinyan pointed to the neighbor's house, "There was a lot of movement just now, but no one came out, and the door was open."

Zhuge Xunming thought of the old grandma and naughty Xiao Wang he saw yesterday, his heart sank, and he ran towards the neighbor's house.

Hope nothing happens!

Although that "Lei Zhenzi" is very noisy, but occasionally he is quite obedient, and he smiles cutely...

Zhuge Xunming rushed in and saw Grandma Wang lying on the ground.

"Grandma Wang!"

Hearing Zhuge Xunming's cry, the other children also quickened their pace and rushed into the house.

Little Taotie supported Helen: "Your hand..."

Helen shook her head: "I'll talk about it later, I want to see what happened to Grandma Wang."

The two finally entered the villa. At this moment, Grandma Wang had been wiped with cold water by Zhuge Xunming, and she woke up slowly.

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