"It's pirates, those pirates are coming!"

As soon as Grandma Wang woke up and said such a sentence, she passed out again.

Zhuge Xunming went upstairs to find Xiao Wang, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Xiao Wang lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

He pinched the sleeping Zhengxiang's chubby face, "You can sleep well."

Xiao Wang's eyelashes trembled, showing signs of waking up, which startled Zhuge Xunming.

Zhuge Xunming turned around and was afraid, for fear that the brat would "thunder" when he woke up.

After waiting outside the door for a while, he didn't hear the crying, and then he entered the house again.

Seeing the little thing sleeping soundly, Zhuge Xunming breathed a sigh of relief.

When Zhuge Xunming came downstairs, Tom worried and asked, "Is Xiao Wang okay?"

"It's okay, just sleep late." Zhuge Xunming shrugged: "I slept soundly."

Tom breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm afraid the ambulance will wake him up."

They had already called for an ambulance just now, and both the unconscious Grandma Wang and the injured Helen needed an ambulance.

Sure enough, Xiao Wang was woken up during the ambulance drive.

Hearing Xiao Wang's cry, Zhuge Xunming was the first to rush upstairs to coax people.

But Xiao Wang cried even more when he saw Zhuge Xunming.

In the end, it was the child coaxed by the female emergency personnel in the ambulance. After finally coaxing Xiao Wang well, he cried again when he saw the unconscious Grandma Wang.

From the surveillance at the entrance of the villa, it was seen that someone was going to arrest the children, the director had already sent someone over, and several staff members were protecting the children at the moment.

The director asked the locals, "Are all the flower arms pirates?"

One of the ambulance staff had grown up on the island and had heard that the island had suffered a massacre.

It was the pirates who wanted to occupy the island as king, killed almost all the people on the island, and wanted to build this small island into a base.

Fortunately, several surrounding countries united to fight off those pirates.

I remember the photos left at that time, those pirates were indeed flower arms.

It has dark wings tattooed on it, and the wings are entwined with vines, and each vine has strange flowers with pointed and thin petals.

The director took out the photo of the flower arm captured by the mobile phone, and after zooming in, it overlapped with the flower arm in the memory of the ambulance personnel.

"Yes, this is the tattoo!"

The director's heart kept sinking.

Could it be that the program crew chose this place as a shooting location, and the pirates knew about it?
What are the pirates going to do with these kids?
Did you guess that Hua Jinyan, Wukong, Tom, Zhuge Xunming... have unusual family backgrounds?
Do you want to kidnap these children for ransom?
The director regretted a little, he shouldn't have chosen this island.

Because in the previous program, there were bears calling the police randomly, and then the police really came, so this time he chose this small island, if the police were called, many policemen would push back and forth, and no one would come in the end.

If you call the police because you encounter pirates, will you come?
The director anxiously called the police, but his hands were shaking, and he made a wrong number several times.

Grandma Wang woke up briefly again, and shouted again: "Pirate, it's a pirate!"

Again, in a coma.

The ambulance personnel wanted to rescue people, and when they heard Grandma Wang's shouting, combined with the photos the director showed him, they had a horrible guess in their hearts.

He came to the director and asked in a low voice, "Are there really pirates on the island? Are they all flower arms?"

The director showed him a panoramic photo.

In the photo, there are no less than ten men with flower arms.

The ambulance personnel gasped: "These desperadoes really know how to kill people!"

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