Helen bumped Xiao Taotie lightly with her shoulder, "I really envy you, I also want a little brother who will swim to protect me without fear of danger!"

Little Taotie kept a stern face, sweet in his heart, but he couldn't encourage this kind of behavior, and said in a childlike voice, "But it's very dangerous. Thinking that my brother was almost found by pirates and in danger, I'm very worried."

Helen nodded: "It is indeed dangerous, his behavior is too impulsive."

Little Taotie put on a smirk: "Brother came, now there is one more hostage on the island."

The corner of Helen's mouth twitched: "Indeed, it looks like they are here to deliver food."

Fortunately, Tao Bin was discussing the escape route with the director and the others, otherwise he would have stared angrily when he heard the conversation between the two of them.

Apart from staring, he couldn't do anything to the little girl younger than him, she was just a paper tiger.

Director: "Are you sure it only takes 10 minutes to swim over?"

Tao Bin: "Yes, swim faster, 10 minutes is enough."

Assistant Director: "Did you hear those three pirates went drinking?"

Tao Bin: "Yes, I should be drinking by now."

Director: "They left their posts to drink. No one should notice for a while, which means that the gap is not guarded now. We can leave from that gap and swim to a safe green island."

Tao Bin: "Yes, now is the best time."

The leader of the art group weakly raised his hand: "I want to ask, what about the landlubbers who can't swim?"

Several staff members raised their hands and said in unison: "Ask the same question!"


Should he say that those who can't swim should stay on the island.

If you say such words, you will probably be beaten to death.

The director touched his nose, a little guilty.

The assistant editor-director saw the director's difficulties. He usually sees the director's difficulties. As a competent subordinate, he would definitely jump out to help the director solve his worries. But at this moment, when life and death were at stake, he did not speak.

If he opened his mouth, he would become a sinner through the ages and be scolded to death.

Seeing that neither the director nor the assistant director spoke, the head of the art team said in a deep voice, "I don't think the director will abandon any of us irresponsibly, right? You know, it was the director who brought us to the island. I hope The director was able to take all of us away safely."

The head of the art team was still calm, but the words of some hot-tempered staff were much more intense: "If the director secretly leaves the island with people and abandons us who can't swim, then don't even think about leaving! Even if we die together That's fine, no one wants to leave!"

The director didn't expect them to be so excited, and their faces became more serious.

The assistant director clenched his fist and wanted to say something, but finally held back.

It's wrong to say anything now, and you can't irritate these landlubbers who can't swim.

In the face of life and death, it is also the moment when the ugliest side of human nature is exposed.

He admitted that he and the director really wanted to leave these people who couldn't swim, who told them they couldn't swim!

It doesn't mean that you have to say the words of abandoning them in front of these people, and you still have to put on an air of hypocrisy.

It is impossible to give up a chance of escape for these people who cannot swim.

Grandma Wang next door has come back from the hospital. She recalled that the island had been slaughtered. At that time, the director and assistant director were terrified, fearing that the pirates would make an example of others.

In Grandma Wang's memory, all outsiders were dragged out and shot in public.

All the people in the program group belong to outsiders, and they will all be "chickens" who are killed by pirates to make an example of others.

The director slowed down his tone and tried to calm everyone down, "Calm down, we went to the island together, and we must leave this island together! I will be responsible for bringing everyone here, and I will be responsible for bringing everyone back safely. Leave here, please rest assured."

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