Not to mention the fact that the staff didn't believe it, even the director's eyes were a little weak when he said this, and he didn't dare to look at those who couldn't swim.

The deputy director coughed dryly: "Actually, with so many people entering the water, the target is too big. Even if the gap is not guarded, pirates from other places will still be able to spot it with binoculars. It's not a completely safe way."

The director nodded: "So don't worry, we won't leave you swimming alone."

The head of the art group smiled faintly: "Anyway, I will follow you every step of the way. As long as the director wants to abandon us, we will immediately yell to attract those pirates. At that time, none of you will even think about leaving."

Some staff echoed: "Yes, no one wants to leave, call the pirates and let them find you!"

The director lowered his eyes.

I didn't expect that the guy who usually keeps his head buried in painting would be so rigid at the critical moment!

The deputy director smiled and said: "You are right, if we abandon you, you will be able to call pirates with a single voice, and none of us will leave, so you should rest assured that we will not abandon you , I won’t abandon you even for my own life.”

The landlubbers who couldn't swim were temporarily appeased by the assistant director's words.

Everyone's lives are tied together, so they feel relieved.

The director narrowed his eyes and made no sound.

The seven little ghosts of Home Alone and Tao Bin who just arrived obviously have no right to participate, and these adults don't need to listen to the opinions of the children.

Tao Bin curled his lips: "Adults are always so conceited."

It doesn't matter whether it's the adults discussing the rescue method on the green forest island, or the adults discussing the escape method in this villa, it's the same.

As time passed, there were no pedestrians on the island, and they were all driven into the house.

There are only men with flower arms on the road, as if they are on patrol.

The parents of Helen, Tom, Li Dahe, Zhuge Xunming, and Wukong were all present, and they brought their children to their respective sides, regardless of the children's personal wishes.

Zhuge Xunming was very disgusted with his parents, and he lay back on the sofa, looking like a slob again.

Zhuge Xunming's father: "The disaster is imminent, you can still sleep!"

Zhuge Xunming's mother: "Get up!"

Zhuge Xunming turned around, turned his back to them, and covered his ears with his hands.

Zhuge Xunming's mother punched her husband hard, "Tell him well, he is always like this, always against us!"

Zhuge Xunming's father felt helpless: "Do you think he can listen to me?"

If he was obedient, why would they send him to the show "Home Alone" to be reformed?
If it weren't for sending the children to the show, they would not be facing the current predicament, nor would they be stranded on this small island.

Zhuge Xunming's mother yelled angrily: "I said I don't want children and I don't want children. It's you, and you broke your promise! We agreed to be DINK for the rest of our lives!"

Zhuge Xunming's father led the people outside, "Be quiet, don't let him hear you."

Zhuge Xunming's mother looked reluctant, but she was dragged away obediently.

When they were far away, Zhuge Xunming opened his eyes, sat up, and stared heavily at the direction they left.

Little Taotie sat on the sofa with a pipe-shaped candy in his mouth, "Your eyes are a bit scary."

Helen sat on the other side of Zhuge Xunming, "Is that your stepmother? She doesn't look easy to get along with."

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