The woman who had been watching the play by the window of the villa for a long time let out a coquettish smile: "Since you feel that you will live better without him, then give him back to me."

Hearing the outsider's voice, everyone in the villa looked at the opened windows in unison, full of vigilance.

The woman standing outside the window waved her hand: "Hey, don't be nervous, I'm not a pirate."

The director and the assistant director breathed a sigh of relief, but when the woman changed the subject, she smiled coquettishly, "But I'm a pirate's woman."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and made a defensive posture.

"Don't be nervous, I'm alone, I can't do you any harm."

Director: "This... beauty, what are you doing here?"

The finger that was doing the manicure lightly tapped Zhuge Xunming, "He was born in October of my pregnancy, and he is connected by blood. I am here to go back."

Everyone quieted down strangely, and looked at Zhuge Xunming with weird eyes.

Some smart people even guessed that these pirates came for Zhuge to seek enlightenment.

In other words: it was attracted by Zhuge Xunming!
If Zhuge Xunming is handed over...

Are the people on the island safe?

Zhuge Xunming shrugged his shoulders, turned around and walked back to the sofa, where he lay down on the sofa, turned around, and turned his back to everyone.

As if at this moment, all the right and wrong and the hustle and bustle have nothing to do with him.

The sofa was like his protective shell, and he hid in his own shell, not wanting to have anything to do with anyone anymore.

Helen asked in a low voice: "The person outside the window is Zhuge Xunming's mother? The one just now, is she really the stepmother?"

She didn't expect that she guessed randomly, but she guessed right.

Little Taotie shook his head: "I don't know either."

Although she didn't know what was going on, she felt that it shouldn't be that simple.

Maybe, maybe both are Zhuge Xunming's mothers?
Just like myself, there are mothers in the mountains and mothers in the city.

Everyone says that the mother in the mountains is not her biological mother, but the mother in the city is her biological mother, but she rarely gets along with her biological mother, and she is very uncomfortable with her, so she prefers to stay with her elder brother instead of going to Tao family.

Perhaps Zhuge Xunming, like himself, also has two mothers, and the reasons for this will be very complicated.

The director walked to the window and asked, "Are you Zhuge Xunming's mother?"

Before anyone outside the window could answer, Zhuge Xunming's mother let out a shrill scream from inside the villa.

She waited viciously for the woman outside the window, "The money has already been given to you! You have nothing to do with the child! The child belongs to our husband and wife, what blood is connected, you are dreaming!"

The woman outside the window touched her stomach, which had already been unloaded, as if she could still feel the feeling of being connected by blood, as if she could still hear the heartbeat of the little life, and feel the scenes of him performing martial arts in her stomach...

"I will refund the money to you. The child was born in October of my pregnancy. There is a record in the hospital. This child belongs to me."

"Nonsense! Obviously we paid for you to represent—"

Zhuge Xunming's father scolded: "Stop talking!"

He looked at Zhuge Xunming, afraid that he would know.

Zhuge Xunming's mother regained her composure and quietly looked at her son.

The woman outside the window smiled coquettishly: "I didn't come to discuss with you, I just came to inform you."

"I'll pick you up. I'm pregnant and gave birth in October."

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