As soon as the words fell, the door was violently blasted open.

Fortunately, no one was near the gate, and no one was injured.

The woman walked in the front, followed by rows of men with flower arms. Obviously, this woman had a high status among pirates, or the man she was attached to had a high status among pirates.

The woman flicked her curly hair, her red lips were flaming, and she smiled coquettishly: "My dear son, go home with your mother."

She is already standing in front of the sofa.

And Zhuge Xunming was the only one lying on the sofa.

This son, there is no one else except Zhuge Xunming.

Zhuge Xunming seemed to be asleep and didn't respond.

The woman winked at the men with colorful arms behind her, "It seems that my son has fallen asleep, so let's take the sofa back with him, and don't disturb his sweet dreams."

The four flower-armed men stepped forward and carried the sofa with them.

Zhuge Xunming's father wanted to go up to stop them, but Zhuge Xunming's mother grabbed his arm tightly.

"Let go! Do you see that they are going to take my son away!"

"No, don't go!"

"what are you saying!"

"Let him go, let them take him! Don't go!"

"What the hell are you thinking? Can you say this as a mother! You make me feel incredible, and I'm so disappointed in you!"

The man shrugged off the woman.

"Don't!" The woman hugged the man's calf tightly, "There are so many people, you can't beat them, you can't stop them at all, you will be hurt in vain, that child... just give her, we don't want it."

There was even a faint expectation in her heart.

Without him, life would go back to what it was before.

Change back to DINK family.

The mother-in-law will not always come to the door every now and then to disturb their lives.

Nor will he always nagging in her ear, teaching her how to be a good mother.

She doesn't want to be a mother.

"Let go of me!"

"I'm worried about you, I'm doing it for your own good, don't go!"

"I count to three, if you don't let go, we will divorce!"

Enough is enough, and he is also fed up with this kind of life!

Since having this child, life has not been peaceful for a day. This woman is making troubles every day, always questioning whether she puts the child first when she has a child, and whether she doesn't love her anymore.

Later, he even made a drastic move, throwing the child who was a little milk cat outside the door to suffer from the cold.

Taking a deep breath, he counted: "One!"

"What are you talking about? You want to divorce me! You actually want to divorce me! We agreed, no one is allowed to talk about divorce! You are actually talking about divorce now! For that child, for that should not have appeared A child in this world! Damn him, he shouldn't be here, I want him to disappear! Oh! Damn it!"

The man's eardrums hurt from her sharp scream, and he yelled: "Shut up! You're crazy!"

"Crazy! Yes, I am crazy!"

The woman cried and laughed: "I'm too old to give birth, but you and your mother forced me to get injections again and again and asked me to actively receive treatment! I've gone crazy in the treatment! I can't give birth at all. No idea, why are you forcing me? We already agreed to be a DINK, didn’t we! If your mother hadn’t come up with this method, this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened today! This woman wouldn’t have come to ask for a child! "

"Enough! You're always blaming others. Didn't you go to the boudoir party by yourself at the beginning, and when you came back, you told me that you wanted a child, you said you envied them, you said you wanted a child to go shopping with you... ..."

"Yes, at first I wanted a child, but then I gave up, why do you still force me!"

"You are too selfish. If you want a child, you have to have a child. You give up. If you don't want to have a child, you want to give up. Have you considered my feelings! You aroused my desire to be a father, but Ruthless wants to be extinguished! My mother came up with this method because she saw me sad."

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