"It's my right to have a child. I can have it if I want it, and I can't have it if I don't want it. What's wrong! Your mother is the culprit! It's all her fault!"

"Don't you agree? My mother proposed this method, didn't you agree? You also went to check a lot of information, isn't it you who persuaded me to agree?"

"I didn't! I regret it! I shouldn't have agreed!" The woman cried with her head in her arms: "That child is obviously my child, and he just borrowed her belly. He should kiss me, but he doesn't like me at all. It's not like my child at all, it's like my enemy! What do I owe him, I gave him life! I don't understand why I became his enemy, always looking at him like an enemy I!"

Zhuge Xunming's father felt bitter in his mouth, let alone his wife felt that his son looked at him like an enemy, in fact, even he sometimes had this illusion.

The woman suddenly got up from the ground, and yelled hysterically at the woman with curly hair and red lips: "Did you move your hands and feet, did you change our things! The child is not ours, it was changed from the beginning, The child you are carrying may be yours, otherwise you wouldn't go to great lengths to get it back! If you have tampered with it, this child has nothing to do with you, it's just a container that you borrowed, why would you want to snatch it back? "

The woman reached out and grabbed the man's arm, her fingers were very strong, "That child is not ours! It is definitely not ours! So he is not close to us! So he sees us as enemies! She said she is a pirate's woman, not at all. What a good thing, maybe she changed our things back then, and this child is the child of her and the pirates! No wonder I don’t like this child, it turns out to be the offspring of pirates, a born bad embryo!"

Zhuge Xunming, who was lying on the sofa as if asleep, suddenly trembled.

People with sensitive ears will hear a low whimper, extremely depressing.

His face was buried in the sofa, so no one could see his expression.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan are people with keen ears, looking at each other at this moment, they both know that Zhuge Xunming is crying, very depressed.

Little Taotie remembered that her mother in the mountains always scolded her with words that she didn't understand at the time, but now that she thought about it, it was actually similar to these words, very harsh and depressing.

What did Zhuge Xunming do wrong?

Just like in the quiet night in the mountains, she would gently ask herself, what did she do wrong?Why don't parents like themselves?
Little Taotie looked at the woman with curly hair and red lips. The woman kept smiling, a playful smile, a gesture of staying out of the way, and she didn't intend to stand up and say a word for Zhuge Xunming.

Didn't she keep saying that Zhuge Xunming was born in her October pregnancy?

Shouldn't she stand up and say a word for Zhuge Xunming?
Little Taotie's fist hardened.

Little Taotie rushed forward, beat up the four men with flower arms who wanted to move the sofa and Zhuge Xunming away together, and stretched out his hand to pick up Zhuge Xunming who was pretending to be asleep.

Little Taotie wanted to yell at Zhuge Xunming angrily: Why are you pretending to be asleep, why don't you resist!

It seemed to be yelling at the little girl in the mountain.

But when he saw the tears on Zhuge Xunming's face, the little Taotie couldn't speak anymore.

Little Taotie pursed his lips tightly, and finally put him back on the sofa.

Zhuge Xunming closed his eyes and wept, clenched his teeth, and let people pull him up and put him back on the sofa, like a puppet without a soul.

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