Chapter 1333 One word exhausts all energy
Zhuge Xunming couldn't believe it, and looked at the woman in front of him in shock, seeing madness and stubbornness in her eyes.

This look does not look like a normal person.

The big wave woman casually pointed at the director.

"Just start with the oldest here."

The director didn't expect that the fire would start from himself, and pushed out the assistant director beside him: "He is two years older than me, he is the oldest!"

The assistant director didn't expect the director to be so shameless that he pushed himself out!
"No, I'm not older than him, don't believe him, I look younger than him!"

Being a director is a tiring job, day and night are upside down, so this director ages faster and looks older.

The big wave woman sneered, as if watching two jumping clowns pushing back and forth, and waved her hand casually, "Catch both of them, isn't it just a matter of one minute before and after, there is nothing to argue about."

The director and the assistant director struggled frantically, but the two had already been injured in the previous internal fighting, and the man with the flower arm was tall and strong with great strength, they couldn't break free at all.

"Help me!" the director shouted to the staff behind him.

The assistant director also shouted: "Help me!"

Finance, who is a relative of the assistant director, took one step forward, but did not take the second step.

The director and the assistant director were pressed at the woman's feet, and the woman reached out and stroked their heads, as if they were petting two dogs.

"Which one should I start with first? This one looks more anxious, so let's start with this anxious one."

As soon as the words fell, the gun was aimed at the director's temple.

The director screamed, "No, don't!"

"It's so loud! Shut their mouths up."

"Yes!" A flower-armed man took out a roll of glass glue, and stuck the director's mouth with glass glue.

The assistant director at the side saw the director's mouth being stuck and felt very uncomfortable. He didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that he would be stuck too.

The woman with big waves pressed her finger on the trigger and smiled softly: "My dear son, are you sure you don't want to call me mom?"

"Hmmmm——" the director couldn't make a sound, but looked at Zhuge Xunming with pleading eyes.

Zhuge Xunming closed his eyes.

He could choose not to care about it and let this lunatic go crazy, but he still couldn't get through this test in his heart, after all, he was not a hard-hearted person.

The fact that he was able to watch the couple die was because of the grievances accumulated over the years, and the director was more like a stranger to him.

He didn't want to see a stranger die for himself.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuge Xunming opened his mouth with difficulty: "Mom."

One word seemed to exhaust all his strength.

The big wave woman seemed dissatisfied with this emotionless word, but she also knew that she should not be forced too quickly, so she made an expression of joy in front of her, and exaggeratedly said "ah~".

The director lay on the ground for the rest of his life, his forehead was covered with sweat.

God knows the trembling and fear in his heart when the gun was pointed at the temple.

The muzzle turned out to be so cold.

The assistant director exhaled, if the director is not dead, then he doesn't have to die either.

A large number of islands came to the villa, and the leading man was wearing a blindfold. Seeing the man wearing the blindfold, the big wave woman rushed over, like a butterfly flying into the man's arms, coquettishly: "You are here, Look, that's our son."

The man glanced at Zhuge Xunming lightly, and gave a casual "hmm", apparently not paying attention.

His eyes fell on Hua Jinyan's face, obviously he was more concerned about the heir of the Hua family and Ms. Gu's only son.

(End of this chapter)

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