Chapter 1334 You Don't Have Superpowers

He learned from his subordinates that this woman was going crazy and wanted to kill everyone in the villa, so he rushed over here. Anyone here can die, only this person surnamed Hua can't die.

The blindfolded man pointed at Hua Jinyan, "Take him away."

The big wave woman hurriedly said: "I made a mistake, it's the one on the sofa, not that kid."

"Take away the ones on the sofa too." The blindfolded man said indifferently.

Little Taotie reached out to hold Hua Jinyan's hand, but Hua Jinyan patted the back of his hand comfortingly, and whispered in her ear, "I will take the relics from them."

Little Taotie let go of his hand.

In the villa, Hua Jinyan took off the relics, causing the director and the staff to fight each other. Hua Jinyan said that if he entered the pirate base, once the relics were removed, those Apiao gathered there, and those people would also Cannibalism rises.

When pirates fight among themselves, that is the best time to break through.

Tao Bin is here, and there is a group with those people on Green Forest Island, and he can inform those people of the situation here at any time.

At that time, those people will be able to find the right time to attack and wipe out those pirates.

The method is a good method, but it is very risky.

Little Taotie let go of his hand, but struggled to grab it again.

Hua Jinyan was surprised, and softly coaxed: "Hey, I'll be fine."

But this time, Little Taotie did not let go so easily, but held on tighter.

The flower-armed man who came over to take Hua Jinyan away saw that the little girl would not let go, so he took the little girl away with him.

Tom and the others wanted to go up to stop them, but were hugged tightly by their respective parents.

They appreciate their children's sense of loyalty, but at a critical juncture, they would rather be villains than take risks for their children.

Tom: "I'm the temporary eldest brother in the villa, I can't let them take away my younger siblings!"

Tom's father sighed: "But you don't have the ability to protect them, son, when you don't have the ability to save them, you can only choose to protect yourself. I know you will feel cowardly if you do this, but what can you change in the past? ? They will only be taken away together like the little Taotie."

Tom looked serious: "Even if we are taken away together, it's fine!"

Tom's father couldn't persuade him, so he could only hug him tightly, not letting him leave half a step.

"let me go!"

"I can't do it, son. I can't let you take risks. It's dad's cowardice and greed for life and fear of death that prevent you from being a good brother."

Tom heard the nasal sound in his father's voice, finally softened his body, and didn't struggle any more, but his eyes dimmed and he was confused.

His father always taught him to be a responsible and good brother.

The reason why he was sent to this show was because he wanted to reform him.

Because he always loses his temper with his younger siblings at home, and wants them to listen to him, but his younger siblings are naughty and disobedient, which makes him very aggressive and strict with his younger siblings, not like a good brother.

He is learning to be a good brother.

But now, his father told him that self-protection is more important than being a good brother.

"Father, what if it wasn't Hua and Xiao Taotie who were taken away, but Mi Rui and Sally?"

"Unable to change anything, I hope you can protect yourself, even if it's Miri and Sally, you can't go."

Tom's eyes became more confused: "I will become a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I like superheroes, and I want to be a hero."

"Son, superheroes have superpowers, but you don't."

(End of this chapter)

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