When Little Taotie left the restaurant, there was a Piao behind him.

This A Piao is to remind the little Taotie that the purpose of the Wu chef is for A Piao who has 9 severance pay.

She is a young woman, what she looks like is unclear, she must have been disfigured during her lifetime.

She doesn't remember many things about her life, she only knows that she lived in this place before her death.

Her home should have been demolished, and she couldn't find a home, but she remembered that she liked the Kung Pao Chicken Noodles in this restaurant, and she seemed to have liked it since she was very young.

She has been looking for the memories of the past, and when she is wandering, she will always return to the restaurant, smelling the aroma of Kung Pao Chicken, as if it can comfort her dead soul.

"Why did you follow me?" Little Taotie frowned when she saw that she followed into the nanny's car.

This is not an evil spirit, nor a resentful spirit. It belongs to the kind of incomplete spirit body that is not accepted by the underworld or the reincarnation palace before the time of death.

Ah Piao came to Xiao Taotie's side, floated gently around, and slowly approached her, "I want to follow you, it's very safe and comfortable."

Little Taotie raised his small fist: "I will blow your soul away with one fist, are you sure that following me will make you feel at ease and comfortable?"

Ah Piao shrank in size, circling around her little fist like an elf, showing a smile: "I'm not afraid, maybe this is a relief."

She was very tired, unable to find a home, and could not find the memory of the past.

Many times she doesn't understand why she is wandering, and she doesn't want to continue, but there is no way out.

Maybe... the soul will be freed, right?
Little Taotie stared at A Piao with confused and longing eyes, and was stunned for a while, this was the first time he saw such A Piao.

Little Taotie didn't care about her anymore, but slept in the RV.

"Why didn't you hit me?" Ah Piao pestered her and asked.

Little Taotie covered his ears with his little fleshy hands, and ignored her.

It's not an evil spirit, why did you beat her!

Hitting her might lose merit!
Little Taotie fell asleep in a daze, and saw that A Piao was still pestering him in his dream.

Opening her eyes suddenly, the little girl stared at the disfigured A Piao: "Who made you come into my dream and annoy me!"

A Piao stuck to the car window and looked at the scenery passing by outside, and replied casually: "I have nothing to do, except entering different people's dreams, I have no other fun."

In the years of wandering, she had nothing to do except enter other people's dreams, let people see him in the dreams, and communicate with others. If she hadn't been able to enter the dreams to relieve boredom, she might have been bored to the point of becoming a complete idiot. Fool.

She has seen those Ah Piao who have been turned into A Piao for a long time, gradually lose consciousness, and become stupid. She has also seen A Piao who was half swallowed by the ghost king and tried his best to escape from the tiger's mouth, but became delirious, with good times and bad times. With the wind.

She always enters the dreamland, besides getting bored, she also wants to stay awake all the time.

She always felt that she had been waiting for something not to be a fool, and she was disfigured, and she also wanted to know what was going on.

"Can you help me? I want to retrieve my lost memories, I want to know why I was disfigured, I want to know how I died, and I want to know what unfulfilled wish I have."

Little Taotie snorted: "My dream was ruined in my dream, do you still want me to help you?"

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