"I'm sorry, when I saw the dream, I subconsciously wanted to enter it, because these days as A Piao, I have nothing else to do except enter other people's dreams to find a sense of existence."

"Can you enter everyone's dreams?" Xiao Taotie became interested, blinked his eyes, and his eyes were shining with interest.

"In my sight, there will be bubbles above the head of the sleeping person. I can get into the bubble and enter the dream."

"Without bubbles, is there no dream?"

Ah Piao nodded: "For those who have not fallen asleep or slept too deeply, there are no bubbles above their heads, which means that they have no dreams."

"Can you enter anyone's dream?"


"Do you know people from the Xuanmen? Those people from the Xuanmen who have the ability to catch ghosts, can you also enter their dreams?"

"Yes, before the land was broken, the developer invited an expert to look at this area. The expert fell asleep and bubbles appeared, and I entered the dream smoothly."

"You mean that before the demolition, someone from the Xuanmen came to see it?"

Ah Piao nodded.

Little Taotie became more interested, completely lost sleepiness, opened a glass of soda, and drank it with relish, "Then tell me about his dream."

A Piao did not refuse Xiao Taotie's request to eat melons, and talked about the dream: "In the dream, he returned to his youth, he had the best talent in the teacher's school, was praised by the teacher, and was worshiped by the brothers of the same school. There was a big fire, and the teacher's gate was in great trouble, only he escaped."

Little Taotie: "What a terrible dream."

Ah Piao shook his head: "It's not just a dream, it's a dream that you think about every day and dreams at night, and what you dream of is the past that happened."

"You mean that he really encountered the tragedy of the division's destruction?"

Ah Piao nodded heavily.

"How do you tell whether the dream is an illusion or the past?"

"The color of each bubble is different. Transparent bubbles are illusory dreams, and colored bubbles will be the past, thoughts day and night, dreams in the heart, and early warning dreams of the future."

"It's amazing. Your ability is extraordinary. Maybe you had this ability before you died. Maybe I can start from the special department to find out your identity."

"Special department..." Ah Piao murmured, "I seem to have a little impression..."

Little Taotie didn't expect that his random guess would turn out to be a mistake, maybe he guessed it right!


Shen Cang's phone rang, and the caller was Xiao Taotie.

Shen Cang was busy, he would have hung up if it was someone else, but now he still picked up.

"Grandpa, help me find out if there is such a special ability in the special department that can enter other people's dreams?"

The little girl's anger came from the other end of the phone, and Shen Cang raised his eyebrows slightly: "What happened?"

"I met a Piao who should have such a special ability before she died. I suspect that she used to belong to a special department."

Shen Cang: "There is no such special ability person in the special department, but there used to be such a person in the Taoist family."

"Grandpa, can you find her information?"

"It's a bit difficult, it will take some time."

This is what it means to be able to do it.

Little Taotie's voice jumped up and down: "Grandpa, please! I'm waiting for your good news!"

Shen Cang hung up the phone, shook his head funny, and ordered the team leader to check.

Little Taotie tilted his head and looked at A Piao who was floating around, "You are not from a special department, but you should be from the Taoist sect. It will take some time to check your information. Do you have any interesting dreams, tell me about them? "

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