The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1433 Feng 7 Chapter Yi's Little Gluttony

Chapter 1433 The Little Glutton of Feng Qi's Memories
I am most afraid of revealing this kind of thing, and then I will stop talking about it.

Apiao was very curious.

"Could it be that the little Taotie from before was very powerful?"

Even the little Taotie put down the bow and arrow he was playing with, and ran over flapping his feathers and wings: "Was I very good before?"

Looking at the miserable little boy in front of her, Feng Qi sighed and didn't want to speak.

Her eyes were caught in reminiscence, and the eyes became deeper and deeper.

In fact, the little Taotie at the beginning was just like now, just a child, carefree.

Xiao Taotie accepts the favor from the God of War, and gradually relies on the God of War. Under his favor, he only knows how to play, slackens his cultivation, and gradually becomes a dodder-like existence.

But a ferocious beast is a ferocious beast after all, even if it turns into a good "kitten" on the outside, the wildness in its bones cannot disappear.

As Feng Qi gradually finds the three souls and seven souls, the memories of the past become clearer, and those who were once unable to figure out the mysteries are also solved with the memory.

The carefree little girl relies on the god of war like a dodder, but the god of war will eventually go to the battlefield to fight the devil, and on the battlefield, he can't take care of himself. When the god of war has a bond, then this bond will become the god of war weakness.

Not to mention that the Demon Realm wants to catch the little Taotie and threaten the God of War, even some casual cultivators want to catch the little Taotie.

The little glutton in the previous life was forced to grow up.

When the God of War went to the battlefield, she wanted to participate in the war as a mount, only to find that she was just an incompetent white beast. Even the God of War didn't know if she could hold up the weight, let alone take the God of War to shuttle on the battlefield. Dodge the swords of the demons.

So don't say that God of War won't take her on the battlefield as a mount, even she doesn't have any confidence in herself, and she is afraid that she will become a burden to God of War.

At that time, the little white beast found the fiery red fox and expressed his troubles, which was also the first time he had drunk wine.

Slightly bitter, slightly spicy, slightly intoxicating, these are the tastes that the little glutton who always likes sweets does not like, but for some reason, when he is depressed, he wants to drink one, two, three sips... a little bit to drink until his hands are full. The wine bottle in the bottle was empty, and suddenly realized that he had drunk the whole bottle of wine.

The fiery red fox took her to the mortal world, and told her that one day in the heavenly world and one year in the mortal world, the God of War went to war, and it might take a long time, and the time to transform into the mortal world might be several years, or even ten or twenty years.

Little Taotie, who was a little drunk after drinking, did not reject Feng Qi, but followed Feng Qi to the Mortal Realm.

Baibai Xiaoshou grew up in the Lion Clan since she was a child. As a group pet in the Lion Clan, she is very much loved and does not know the sufferings of the world. Later, she became the mount of the God of War, but the God of War never treated her as a mount, and treated her very well. Love her no less than the love from the Lion Clan.

She was soaking in one honey pot and another, never knowing that there was such a place in this world.

Mortal Realm, this is an extremely poor place in the mouth of the storyteller lions of the lion clan.

There are many troublesome people in poor mountains and evil waters, people in the mortal world make things difficult for others, and their own people will not let their own people be spared. The viciousness is even more terrifying than that of the demons, and the crime is heinous.

But that was only literally, she had never seen it with her own eyes.

When Feng Qi brought her to the Mortal Realm, the country she landed in happened to be a five-year drought. The people had no fixed place to live and became refugees. They were hungry, gnawed on tree bark and soil, and even... ate their own people!

(End of this chapter)

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