The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1434 Bringing Little Taotie into the Mortal Realm

Chapter 1434 Bringing Little Taotie into the Mortal Realm

Feng Qi remembered that at that time a group of people gathered around a cauldron, the fire was burning, those hungry people had yellow and emaciated faces, and their eyes were staring at the cauldron like hungry wolves.

A burst of meaty aroma wafted from the cauldron.

Feng Qi was very surprised, where even the bark was gone, is there still meat for these people to eat?

At this moment, the little girl who was transformed into a little white beast beside her widened her eyes in horror, as if she had encountered something extremely unacceptable, and even couldn't help retching when those people began to divide their flesh.

At that time, Feng Qi also joked: "Are you pregnant?"

The little Taotie's face became even paler, covered his mouth and vomited several times, his eyes were red, and he pointed in that direction, pointing at those people who were grabbing the leftover soup in the pot.

"Feng Qi, do you know how to eat fox meat?"

Feng Qi was stunned, and shook her head: "How can I eat meat from my own family?"

Little Taotie pointed to himself: "But I can eat gluttonous meat. The gluttonous meat brought to me by the God of War is very fragrant and delicious. It is a gluttonous that does many evils."

Feng Qi didn't take it seriously: "Your gluttonous clan was born in the chaos. At the beginning of the chaos, there was only your clan. You grew stronger by eating your own clan. In the end, a strongest person was born and swallowed the entire planet. This is your clan. rules of survival."

Little Taotie took a deep breath: "What about the human race? Are they also the same as our Taotie clan?"

"What?" Feng Qi seemed to have realized something and slowly shifted her gaze to the big iron pot that was already empty, not even the bones were left, these people crushed those bones and swallowed them.

"That's a pot of young breath." Little Taotie added.

This is the truth from the keen sense of smell of the second generation of fierce beasts.

These people who share a pot of meat may never remember this memory, nor will they tell others about their past wickedness.

In order to survive, the young breath of life dissipated in the pot.

There are no bones left, no traces left, clean, and no bones left.

At this moment, even Feng Qi felt nauseated.

"Ouch!" Feng Qi retched: "No, let's change to another place quickly, this place is too disgusting, the smell of these human races makes me sick."

Feng Qi held Xiao Taotie's hand, the next moment a ray of light flashed across the two of them, the light dissipated, and the two of them disappeared in place.

The next moment, their foothold was Caishikou.

At Caishikou, many people were kneeling on the ground under the pressure of the officers and soldiers, with wooden signs hanging around their necks, on which their heinous crimes were written. When parading through the streets, the people threw vegetable leaves and rotten eggs all over their bodies.

These people are in a mess, but their eyes are stubborn and crazy.

Among them, the oldest old man shouted in the air: "Unnecessary crime, I refuse to accept it, I refuse to accept it..."

Before Feng Qi could ask the people around him about the matter, he saw big men spraying water on the swords, raising the swords and dropping them!
The red blood meanders, gradually dyeing the vegetable market mouth red.

The blood all over the place dyed Feng Qi's eyes red, almost revealing the original red hair, or accidentally revealing the tail.

The smell of blood will always make the beasts excited involuntarily!
It also includes the second-generation fierce beast Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie didn't hide the small horn on his head, a horn popped out!

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Feng Qi put a cloth hat on the little Taotie's corners, and successfully covered the corners!
All the people's attention was still on the executioner at Caishikou, and no one noticed this scene.

Little Taotie held down the hat on his head and asked, "Why did the human race want to massacre their own race? What crime did these people commit?"

(End of this chapter)

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