Chapter 1439 Started from killing the master

In fact, as long as the two used spells, these people would have been dealt with long ago. Just to experience the various states of life, they each wanted to restrain their own power, and even stuck talismans on their bodies to seal their own cultivation.

But Little Taotie's great strength is innate, so it will not disappear because of it.

As a member of the fox family, Feng Qi has a strong body and extremely fast speed, and she is also born with it, so the seal cannot be removed.

Seeing that the shadow was still not moving, the new emperor shouted: "Hurry up, catch that little doll with great strength!"

He can see that this little doll is weird and has great strength.

If I can... eat this little doll, will the great strength on her body be transferred to me.

Fortunately, Feng Qi and Xiao Taotie didn't know that he had such thoughts, otherwise they would laugh at him to death.

"If you can't catch a living one, it's fine if it's dead, so be sure to catch it!"

The new emperor can't wait to get up, imagining that he has great strength, so that everyone will look at him. After two months, those guys from foreign countries will come to visit, so they can see it, not just their foreign men are strong!
The sword in Yin Ying's hand was raised, but because of Feng Qi's laugh, the air seemed to move, and the sword that was close at hand, just couldn't hurt the little Taotie, and it was always a little bit close to the machete.

The seemingly small gap left Little Taotie unscathed.

Little Taotie still had time to chat with Feng Qi, little Taotie asked: "What's wrong with me? I seem to be very lucky?"

She reached out and touched the top of her head, there was something inserted by Feng Qi just now, it seemed to be small and tender...

what is it then?

Just as Little Taotie was trying to guess, Feng Qi revealed the answer.

A green leaf, shaped like four small hearts, is the legendary four-leaf clover and lucky clover.

This piece of clover was found by a refiner, and a picture was drawn on the leaf, so the green leaf was endowed with luck, and whoever wore it was lucky.

Just like the little Taotie at this moment, he didn't move at all, but the shadow with bad eyes couldn't poke her.

"You are blind! Just a little bit!" The new emperor cursed.

At this moment, the new emperor seemed to be watching a monkey performance, with contempt in his eyes, without any respect in it.

Shadow felt very uncomfortable.

Adopted by a mysterious organization since he was a child, he was gradually brainwashed, as if he had become a loyal dog. If the owner told him to go east, he would go east, and if he told him to go west, he would go west. He had no self at all.

Like a poor creature whose consciousness has been forcibly hypnotized.

At this moment, the consciousness seemed to return to the cage, and he seemed to be awakened. He turned around and walked towards the new emperor.

"Your eyes are really not very good, the direction is wrong, don't come towards me!"

The new emperor yelled, but the hidden guard did not stop, but stabbed at the new emperor's throat with a sword, wanting to kill him with one sword, kill this tyrant, this scourge!

"You're crazy!" The new emperor also had martial arts skills. Although his neck was cut with a small cut, he still avoided the fatal blow.

"You have to rebel!"

Those guards had already caused him a lot of headaches, and now if the hidden guards turned against him, he would really be alone, and no one would listen to him!
"You are begging me for mercy now, you really don't blame the past, put down the sword in your hand, and take a closer look, I am the emperor and your master!"

Shadow hesitated for a moment, but his eyes became more determined!
He doesn't want to be a dog anymore!

He wants to be an upright person!
Let's start with killing the master!
(End of this chapter)

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