Chapter 1440 is now a Mingjun
The situation became chaotic, Little Taotie looked at Feng Qi, saw Feng Qi shaking her fingers, her eyes turned into spinning red pupils.

From this point of view, whether the guards were unwilling to take action, or the leader of the hidden guards suddenly attacked the emperor in the world, Feng Qi used the illusion of the fox clan to magnify something tiny in their hearts.

The guards' sympathy for the weak was infinitely magnified and overwhelmed their loyalty, that's why they disobeyed the emperor's orders, and even did not hesitate to fight the hidden guards, and were unwilling to deal with Feng Qi and Xiao Taotie.

The magnification of the unyielding and ambition in the heart of the leader of the dark guards led him to deal with the new emperor, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​sitting on the throne of the emperor.

Little Taotie raised his thumbs up to Feng Qi: "You are really amazing!"

Feng Qi showed her fox tail. The fiery red fox tail was fluffy and soft, shaking slightly, showing a bit of pride and arrogance, "Of course! They are just mortals, and dealing with them couldn't be easier!"

Little Taotie was somewhat envious of her self-confidence, because if it were him alone, he might not be able to deal with this human emperor and countless human guards and hidden guards.

She is more aware of her own weakness.

I have seen the indifference of human feelings, I have seen cannibalism, I have seen the ambition of the emperor...

Little Taotie felt that he had made some breakthroughs in terms of state of mind.

Practice is divided into self-cultivation and self-cultivation.

When they were in the Lion Clan, most of the Lion Clan chose to cultivate their body, but few chose to cultivate their mind.

Little Taotie is young, and has never made a clear choice whether to cultivate his body or his mind.

But now, she wants to cultivate her mind even more.

Only when the heart is strong can we change more things, and the body is also indispensable, but the focus should be on cultivating the mind first, supplemented by self-cultivation.

When the leader of the hidden guards beheaded the new emperor, the two sides that were fighting fiercely stopped.

The guards had originally disobeyed the new emperor's order, so it was good for them if the new emperor died, and the new emperor would kill them if he was alive.

The dark guards have always been headed by the leader of the dark guards. Now that the leader of the dark guards has killed the new emperor, they have no intention of avenging the new emperor. Suddenly, one of them takes the lead and kneels down. .

The guards looked at each other, they had no choice but to surrender rather than being strangled by the hidden guards.

The guards also knelt down, kneeling down in prostration.

Feng Qi patted the little Taotie who was still watching the show, and smiled: "We can retire after we finish."

Little Taotie hesitated: "Can you be sure that he will be a good emperor?"

Feng Qi shrugged: "Yes now, I don't know about the future. There are many emperors in the world who were wise kings for the country and the people at first, but later, they may become confused when they get old, and they all do some stupid things. "

"Then he..." Little Taotie frowned and became even more worried.

"Don't worry about the country and the people, at least he will be a good emperor now, and when he becomes a tyrant and a foolish king one day, then we will deal with him again!"

Hearing this, Little Taotie reluctantly nodded: "That's the only way to go."

Before everyone paid attention to them, Feng Qi took the little Taotie and slipped away first.

When the leader of the dark guard remembered the two of them, there was not even an ant where they were standing.

Feng Qi took Xiao Taotie to play in the fun places in the world for several days, and heard a lot about the new emperor ascending the throne, changing the name of the country, releasing food to rescue the victims, amnesty for the world and so on.

Little Taotie was sitting in the gazebo beside the West Lake, eating lotus root noodles, and said with a smile: "It seems that he is a wise man now."

Feng Qi nodded: "Let's just watch, if he is cruel and stupid one day, I will make him suffer!"

(End of this chapter)

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