Chapter 1441 Feng Qi Drunk for Ten Days

That night, the sleeping emperor saw a fiery red fox in his dream.

He thought the fox's fur was good, and wanted to hunt this fox for its fur.

But before he drew his bow, the fiery red fox in front of him became alive and turned into a childish little girl.

The little girl is combing a double bun, her eyes are watery, and she is cute.

The emperor felt familiar, where did he see it?
Suddenly remembered the reason for killing the former new emperor.

It was because of the two girls, and one of the girls was the little girl who turned from a fiery red fox in front of her.

"It's you? The girl from that day!"

"It seems that you have remembered it. That's good, and I don't need to waste my words."

"Fox fairy?"

"Today, you can become the emperor of this world because of this fox fairy. You have to remember that the day when you disregard human life and be cruel is your death."

As soon as the words fell, she turned into a red cloud and flew into the sky.

There was a red mark in the sky, the emperor ran after the direction of the red mark, wanting to find the fiery red fox and ask for clarification!
How dare you threaten him!
But he ran and ran, still standing where he was, getting more and more tired until he was awakened.

"Your Majesty, wake up..."

The emperor who was awakened still didn't know what night it was. After running all night last night, even his mind was exhausted.

After ordering someone to bring cold water, he directly bowed his head into the cold water basin to wash his face, and only then did he wake up a bit.

It turned out to be just a dream!
Thinking that he ran away in the dream last night, he was angry and funny.

He didn't take this dream seriously, let alone take the warning from the fiery red fox to heart.


After this trip to the world, Xiao Taotie has seen the warmth and coldness of the world, and her mood has broken through. Once she returns to the castle built for her by God of War, she begins to retreat.

She secretly swore in her heart that she would never become stronger and never leave the level!

The fiery red fox, Feng Qi, harassed the lieutenant general from time to time, and then went back to Qingqiu to play around. When there was a banquet in the heavenly realm, she would go to eat with her mother's car, and the fine wine in the heavenly realm made her drunk for ten days.

When she woke up, the world was already in dire straits.

Rough calculations show that she and Xiao Taotie left the human world, it took more than 30 days according to the time in the heavenly world, but one day in the heavenly world and one year in the mortal world, more than thirty years have passed in the human world, and the leader of the dark guard also did it. He has been the emperor of the world for more than thirty years.

In the first ten years, he worked from dawn to dusk, serving the people and the country.

In the middle ten years, he indulged a little, but never delayed state affairs, found some outlets in drinking and sex, and vented state worries.

Feng Qi sensed that something was wrong with him, thinking about attending the banquet in the heavenly realm, she went to his dream again to warn him, who knew that this drunk lasted ten days, and ten years had passed in the human world.

In the past ten years, the emperor of the world has grown old and his health is failing. He has begun to trust traitors, issued orders to harm the people, built palaces wantonly, and squandered the money in the treasury...

Maybe it was because he was getting old, seeing the tiger cubs becoming adults and having the ability to compete with him for the throne, he began to use the technique of balancing and making his sons fight each other, resulting in the death of several of them. During the battle, the originally good prince also became different, resulting in none of his descendants being able to take on great responsibilities.

Feng Qi patted her forehead and blamed herself for drinking, and planned to go to the mortal world again.

And at this moment, the little Taotie who was in seclusion also left the seclusion!

When Little Taotie came out, his appearance and figure had changed a lot, he was no longer that ignorant little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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