Chapter 1442
The girl's figure is slender, graceful and exquisite, her beautiful eyes are less childish and ignorant, more intelligent and mysterious, and her divine eyes are like the mysterious galaxy in the vast universe, containing countless bright lights. Stars, can't see the end.

Feng Qi wanted to come to Xiao Taotie's closed-door retreat to leave a sound transmission talisman before going to the mortal world, but she just happened to meet her leaving the closed-door training.

When she saw the beautiful girl walking out of the door, Feng Qi was amazed!
Feng Qi was born in the fox family and was used to beauties. She thought she was immune and no one could surprise her on the spot, but when she saw Xiao Taotie turned into a young girl, she was completely amazed!
Feng Qilian's voice also subconsciously became gentle, like a spring breeze, "Little Taotie, you are so beautiful, can you call me sister, please, I really like the way you are now, you are so beautiful, you can't even blink your eyes." It's like touching my heartbeat..."

Little Taotie: "..."

Feng Qi is so disgusting!
Little Taotie took a few steps back to distance herself from her.

If she didn't know that Feng Qi liked the lieutenant general, she would have wondered if Feng Qi liked girls!
Seeing the little Taotie retreating, Feng Qi immediately stuck to it, sticking to it~
Little Taotie: "!!!"

Feng Qi turned into a fox with a big tail, raised her head like the most well-behaved pet, and looked at the little Taotie with a pair of eyes full of loyalty and flattery, and curled her big tail around the little Taotie's calf.

The flaming fox lightly rubbed the back of the little Taotie's hand with its ears, indicating that the little Taotie could "pick the cat".

Little Taotie was helpless, he could only reach out and rub the head of the fiery red fox.

The fiery red fox narrowed his eyes, enjoying the beauty's touch very much.

After playing around for a while, Feng Qi changed back to her human form.

Long fiery red hair, fiery red eyes, fair skin, flaming red lips, and a sexy figure, she is completely hot and royal.

And the little Taotie standing beside her is not inferior, she exudes a mysterious and dangerous feeling, often such a beauty is more attractive, everyone wants to uncover the mystery to understand the beauty.

"You are so beautiful, God of War must be so happy! It's cheap for him!" Feng Qi muttered in a low voice.

Little Taotie approached: "What did you say?"

Feng Qi curled her lips: "I'm jealous of God of War, I can see such a beautiful beauty every day!"

Little Taotie laughed out loud: "The God of War prefers my fluffy appearance, and most of the time I am in front of him with my original appearance."

"That's because you used to be transformed into a child, but now that you have become a beauty, he must wish to see you as a beauty every day!"

Feng Qi slandered inwardly: God of War used to like the appearance of the little Taotie, maybe because he thought that if the little Taotie turned into a child, as a person who was attracted to the little Taotie, he would be suspected of being a pedophile...

"What are you thinking?" Little Taotie frowned, "You look so wretched when you smile!"

Feng Qi coughed dryly: "I wonder if God of War will be so fascinated seeing you now that he doesn't even know how to walk."

Little Taotie laughed: "How is that possible?"

"Shall we try?" Feng Qi's eyes lit up.

Little Taotie shook his head, unwilling to mess around with her.

Feng Qi is soft-hearted, and wants to persuade little Taotie to put on the dress of a fairy in the heavens, pretending to be a little fairy, and see if God of War will be fascinated by her appearance.

Little Taotie hesitated, but his heart was itchy again.

"Don't hesitate, look, I brought you all the fairy dresses, put them on quickly!" Feng Qi pushed the little Taotie to change the dresses behind the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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