Chapter 1444 I'm Still a Child

Seeing that she did not intend to reveal her identity, God of War cooperated with her calmly, without revealing her identity, and looked away pretending to be a stranger.

Little Taotie: "..."

More angry!
Little Taotie squeezed the hem of her skirt tightly, and took a few steps faster.

Feng Qi hurriedly chased after him: "Slow down, wait for me! Let me tell you what's wrong with you little fairy, you are so rude when you see God of War!"

Feng Qi deliberately amplified her voice, trying to make God of War pay attention to them.

But when she turned her head, Feng Qi was depressed, there was no one behind her, the God of War had already left!

Little Taotie stopped suddenly, and Feng Qi, who was chasing after her, almost bumped into her back, and hurriedly braked, "Why did you stop suddenly?"

The more he thought about it, the little Taotie became more and more angry, stomped his feet angrily, and pointed to his own little face, "Am I not good-looking?"

Feng Qi shook her head crazily: "It's beautiful! The most beautiful person I've ever seen!"

Little Taotie muffled: "Then why didn't he take a second look?"

"Maybe... shy?"

"Will he be shy?"

Little Taotie didn't quite believe it, he didn't even take another look, how could he be shy!

Forget it, don't waste time, let's go to Mortal Realm first.

For Feng Qi and Xiao Taotie, it was only a short time since they left the mortal world, Feng Qi was only a time to get drunk, and Xiao Taotie was only a time to retreat.

But for all beings in the world, more than 30 years is enough to change the situation.

"There is a lot of wealth." Little Taotie stood on a snow-white cloud, looking down at the entire city below.

The houses in the city are very strong, many of them are new buildings, and the clothes worn by pedestrians on the street are no longer patched and patched.

Occasionally, when I see children running around, they always have that bright red candied haws in their hands.

More than 30 years ago, this place was still desolate and starving.

30 years later, here is another scene.

Little Taotie had a new understanding, closed his eyes slightly to feel it, recalled the scene 30 years ago, opened his eyes again, and stared deeply at the current situation.

Even if the emperor of the dark guards is stupid and ruthless at the moment, he is much better than he was 30 years ago. At least ordinary people can have enough to eat.

The clouds fluttered slowly, as if being gently pushed by the wind. No one was disturbed. Occasionally someone looked up at the sky, and they would not see anything unusual. They just thought it was a flower that was blown far and fast by the wind. It's just clouds.

Feng Qi didn't know when a candied haws appeared in his hand, "The things in the world are quite delicious!"

Little Taotie saw that her mouth was full of candy, smiled and shook his head, and was about to pass her a handkerchief to wipe, but his keen ears moved, and he heard the cry of the child.

Little Taotie looked at the crying place, even though it was a thousand meters away, Little Taotie still saw it.

I saw the little boy sitting on the ground, his little face was full of tears, and he was crying so badly.

Little Taotie: "..."

If I remember correctly, the little boy was running around the street holding a candied haws just now.

Now that Feng Qi has an extra candied haws in her hand, the child cried so much that the puzzle was solved!
"You are so promising! You can also snatch children's things!"

Feng Qi shrugged: "Judging from the age of the fox tribe, I am still a young fox, or a child! Why can't I snatch other children's things?"

Little Taotie was speechless to refute and chose to shut up.

But Feng Qi didn't give up, and handed the ugly candied haws to Xiao Taotie's mouth, "Come on, you eat too!"

Little Taotie didn't start: "No, just eat it yourself."

With a flick of Little Taotie's finger, a silver ingot fell into the arms of the crying child, and the child's crying stopped abruptly!

(End of this chapter)

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