Chapter 1445 Fengqi enters the dream again

When a child grows up and sees such a big silver ingot for the first time, he forgets to cry.

Feng Qi also saw this scene, smiled and shook her head: "Look, you scared him."

Even the little Taotie admired her thick skin, wanted to know how thick her cheeks were, so he pinched her cheeks with his hands, pulled them away, rubbed Feng Qi's pretty face, it was already red Only let go.

"I don't see how thick your skin is!"

Feng Qi, who was dizzy from being rubbed, said, " can touch my fur and make a judgment."

As soon as the words fell, Feng Qi changed back to her original body.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to rub the plush, and found that the fur was smooth...thick!
The point is thick!
"Sure enough, it's a thick-skinned fox!" Little Taotie punitively grabbed its ear before retracting his hand.

Feng Qi complained and changed back to human form.

Little Taotie urged Yun Duo to move forward, and when Yun Duo reached the top of the mountain where no one would pay attention, he suddenly accelerated, as if flying out of nowhere.

Fortunately, this scene was not seen by mortals.

When they reached the top of the palace, Little Taotie and Feng Qi gasped at the same time.

Although it was luxurious more than 30 years ago, it has not yet reached the level of exaggeration it is today.

In the past, it was plated with a layer of gold at most, but now it is a palace built with gold bricks made of real gold.

"He will enjoy it." A stern look flashed in Feng Qi's eyes, and her voice was mocking and cold.

Little Taotie lowered his eyes, and his heart was also heavy.

Power and status are simply the devil's candy. Once one touches it and tastes the sweetness, one will gradually be manipulated and driven by the devil, and gradually lose one's heart.

Because the new emperor of the previous dynasty was a tyrant, and because he refused to obey the tyrant, the dark guards would kill the tyrant and replace him.

At that time, he was still thinking about benefiting the people and becoming a good emperor.

But time passed little by little, day after day, after all, it was still subtly changing the emperor, making him forget his original intention, and unable to keep the bottom line.

"How do you want to deal with him?" Little Taotie asked.

Feng Qi thought about it, and truthfully told the thing about threatening the emperor in her dream.

Hearing about this matter, Xiao Taotie had an idea and said: "It's better to let him eat his own fruit, it's meaningless if he dies too early, but in the dream, you still have to appear, just to scare him."

Feng Qi thought it made sense, so she went to trouble the emperor in the world that night.

In the dream, the emperor of the world hugs left and right, a very disharmonious dream.

Suddenly, an unexpected guest appeared in the dream.

Although it was a long time, he still recognized the person at first sight!
The one who threatened him once would come and take his life once he became a tyrant.

"Are you here to take my life?"

Feng Qi looked like a little girl, she stretched out her hand and plucked a piece of peach blossom from the peach tree, and smiled very seriously: "This peach blossom is not bad, if it is brewed into peach blossom wine, Xiao Taotie Youding will like it very much."

"I am the emperor, you should kneel to me and bow your head to surrender! Believe it or not, as long as I tell the world and spread your portrait all over the world, you will feel extremely excited about the next journey."

"Are you sick, didn't you see the disparity in strength?" While speaking, the little girl raised her hand, and the dream here was changing in an instant, and the emperor in the world felt nauseous and wanted to wake up, but he couldn't vomit. , Woke up and couldn't wake up.

"My dream, this is in my dream!" At this moment, the emperor finally realized that all this was just a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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