Chapter 1446 Changing Emperor Within Three Days
Little Taotie can see the dream of the emperor in the world, and a bubble floats out from between the eyebrows of the emperor in the world, and in the bubble is the emperor in the world and Feng Qi standing opposite each other.

Little Taotie is a little worried about Feng Qi, because if he enters other people's dreams, if one is not good, the primordial spirit may disappear in the dream.

Dreams are a difficult thing to explain. Some people say that they think day by day and dream at night, some people say that they dream about something that happened in another parallel world, and some people say that it is something in another dimension of time and space...

But for Feng Qi, the dreamland is an interesting place to enter and exit. Although it needs a touch of the soul to get out of the body, if the body is not properly managed at that time, it is very likely that people will take advantage of the loopholes. At this time, even a three-year-old If the child wants to kill her, she will die too.

Little Taotie guards Feng Qi's body, a fiery red fox, to prevent some ministers from looking for death.

In the dream, Feng Qi's casual show is enough to change everything in the dream.

The emperor in the world gradually believed that the other party might be a little fairy just as the other party said, otherwise all these bizarre things would not be explained.

"What do you want?" The emperor on earth asked angrily, but his eyes dodged. The meaning in this sentence was to give it another step. As long as the other party is not stupid, they will basically have a harmonious private chat.

But who is Feng Qi, a little Diji from the Qingqiu clan, how could she be easily fooled.

Feng Qi raised her chin and looked down at this person.

The emperor in the world is already very old, with pale white hair appearing on the corners of his forehead and eyebrows.

"You're getting old, you shouldn't continue to occupy this position." Feng Qi said in a calm tone.

But for the emperor in the world, it is no less than a hammer.

As long as you have enjoyed power, become an emperor, and sat on that dragon chair, no one is willing to leave, no one is willing to hand over.

His attitude softened a little, maybe because he realized that the other party was not something he could deal with, so he seemed much softer, "None of my sons are up to date, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find one who can inherit the throne in a short time." people."

"Did you strive for success back then?" Feng Qi asked back.

The man touched his nose, feeling a little guilty.

Just as Feng Qi asked, he didn't live up to expectations back then.

Feng Qi raised her hand, and saw her nails through the sunlight, they were very beautiful and round, and the half-transparent part of the sun was beautiful.

"I will give you three days. After three days, you can become the Supreme Emperor, but you must pass the throne to other people so that they can be independent. Many skills need to be cultivated. If you say that it is not suitable now, you can erase them. effort?"

Hearing Feng Qi's words, the man lowered his head in shame, but curled his lips disapprovingly.

After waking up from the dream this time, the emperor of the world dared not take this dream seriously anymore.

The "kitchen group" that the emperor of the world found him is all the champions and smart people of all dynasties.

The emperor of the world narrates his dreams more than 30 years ago and his current dreams, hoping to get answers from everyone, knowing whether he looks good now or not.

There are quite a few quick-witted ones in the "Tip Bag Group". When I hear this kind of lines, my friend is so so, then most of the time it is his own so so!

"You didn't do anything to him, did it work?" Xiaotao asked.

Feng Qi put her hands on her hips, full of confidence: "Of course it will be useful, just wait and see."

(End of this chapter)

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