Chapter 1448
Sitting on the throne, Little Taotie listened to the reports of the officials in the morning, his face became more and more gloomy.

She has been the emperor of the world for three years, but for the heavens, it is only three days.

In the past three years, Xiao Taotie has seen the fickleness of the world and all kinds of life, and his mood has been sublimated again, and he is not far from a breakthrough.

The "hot discussion" in the court was the flood in the south of the Yangtze River. Some officials reported that there was a serious flood in the south of the Yangtze River, but the officials at the lower level deceived the upper and lower and concealed the matter.

Some officials refuted him. Such a big matter cannot be concealed by one or two officials if they want to.

Some officials suspect that the officials in the Jiangnan area are colluding, and the officials and officials protect each other, so that the matter will be strictly controlled.

In this way, the official's words and words made this emperor's court hall look like a vegetable market.

Perhaps the emperor's face was too gloomy, and the low air pressure emitted almost froze the entire court, and the voices of those officials gradually became smaller and gradually disappeared.

When they were quiet, Little Taotie casually asked: "Is it all finished?"

There was no sound in the hall.

"Since we've finished talking, isn't it my turn to talk?"

"Your Majesty, you said."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please tell me."...

All the officials echoed.

Little Taotie's eyes were calm and devoid of emotion.

The more calm and waveless, unable to detect emotions, the more unpredictable and uneasy.

A few officials didn't even dare to look at her, and lowered their heads subconsciously, seeming guilty and afraid.

"I, go and see for yourself, and you will know the answer."

Rather than quarreling like this, it would be better to see it with your own eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, some officials hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, no, Your Majesty, please think twice..."

"Your Majesty, the imperial palace is far away from the south of the Yangtze River. It is not worth traveling thousands of miles just to find out."

"Yeah, it's not worth it!"

"Your Majesty, the court cannot be without a king for a day."

"Your Majesty, please don't go to the south of the Yangtze River three or four times, absolutely not!"

"The journey is long and dangerous, Your Majesty must not go there!"

"Your Majesty, if there is no flood in the south of the Yangtze River, it will be a waste of time to go there. If there is a flood in the south of the Yangtze River, I'm afraid...the officials in the south of the Yangtze River have already colluded with each other!"

"Your Majesty, if they are really colluding, they must be afraid that you will find out, and you will go there in person. After knowing all this, I am afraid that they will jump the wall in a hurry, and the fish will die..."

"Don't they still dare to assassinate His Majesty?"

"It's not impossible." The person who spoke was the respected elder Ge, and his words carried weight. As soon as these words came out, no one doubted the danger this time.

They even tried their best to dissuade His Majesty, and did not want His Majesty to risk himself.

Little Taotie glanced at the old man indifferently, and asked: "Then Ai Qing thinks that I shouldn't go in person, who should I send?"

The elder was silent.

He didn't even dare to look into His Majesty's eyes, for fear that the emperor would give him this important task.

He was old and useless, not to mention going to Jiangnan, even if he just went out of the city, the carriage bumped all the way, he would feel sore all over his body as if his bones had been broken.

This obvious evasive gesture made Xiao Taotie feel a little funny.

I don't want to do things that worry about the country and the people, but the appearance of worrying about the country and the people just now is pretty good.

"Elder Ge, is there anyone who can recommend you?" Little Taotie spoke again, with a calm and sophisticated voice: "I heard that Elder Ge has a promising grandson."

(End of this chapter)

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