Chapter 1449

Hearing that His Majesty moved his mind to let his grandson go, Mr. Ge didn't dare to continue with the words, and immediately plopped down on his knees, pleading with his voice: "I am willing to do for Your Majesty, go to Jiangnan to find out!"

He was old, and if something happened, he would be able to live on enough.

His grandson has just lost his crown, so how can he go to the dangerous Jiangnan.

The collusion of merchants and officials in the south of the Yangtze River has long been a mess.

If it was an oolong this time, it would be fine. If there was a flood in the south of the Yangtze River that was concealed, the imperial envoys who photographed it would definitely die one by one, and they would never let the truth of the matter come to light.

"Since Aiqing asks for orders, then Aiqing can go."

The elder Ge is desolate in his heart, and I wish His Majesty would say: "Aiqing is getting old, let the young people go."

But expectations are always disappointing, and it is a certainty that Mr. Ge will go, and there is no room for change.

Ge Lao was urged to go to Jiangnan by an imperial decree the next day.

Elder Ge's grandson learned about what happened in the court that day from other officials, and thus knew that the reason why his grandfather asked for his order was completely persecuted.

Originally, the person chosen by His Majesty may be himself, and his grandfather should have done this to save himself from disaster.

Grandfather was already old, and the journey was so long that he couldn't rest assured at all. Finally, he put on the clothes of a guard, came out without telling the family, and set off with his grandfather.

When Ge Lao saw his grandson, he looked helpless, but he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly paid homage to the direction of the imperial city, "Your Majesty, you know things like a god!"

Ge Lao's grandson didn't understand, so he said, "Grandfather, he sent you to Jiangnan, why do you still praise him?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Elder Ge looked around and saw that no one was eavesdropping, so he breathed a sigh of relief and poured out his bitterness.

Ge Lao's grandson usually wields knives and guns, and he also wants to take the imperial examination, so he obviously wants to become a person with both civil and military skills.

"Your Majesty must have known for a long time that you will come, and the ultimate goal is your presence."

"I heard that in the court hall, His Majesty originally chose me."

"Yes, it was true at the beginning, but the public opinion in Jiangnan is mixed, and there is a swarm of snakes and rats. In fact, you, a kid who has just taken off his hat, can deal with it."

"If you can kill me, I'm not afraid."

Ge Lao frowned and looked at his grandson in disapproval, shaking his head: "It's not impossible."

"What do you mean?"

"They will kill."

Hearing this, Grandson Ge was terrified, but he was almost in the south of the Yangtze River, so he didn't want to just go back.

The elder Ge persuaded: "You have provoked public anger before you even arrived in Jiangnan, so let's clean up your past."

For a long time, the grandpa and grandson hadn't discussed how they could sneak into the south of the Yangtze River unknowingly and inquire about the flood.

Xiao Taotie felt that they were too boring, so he sent many people to them one after another, most of them were from the army, to protect their lives.

On the other side, the grandfather and grandson have already arrived in the south of the Yangtze River.

It is even more mouth-watering to smell the delicious smell unique to Jiangnan in the air.

After Xiao Taotie made almost the arrangements, he went to the harem in person to see the tempers of the birth mothers of the princes.

Little Taotie is dressed in the skin of a man, and now there is no doubt that he is the new emperor, while there are still a few in the Leng Palace who look crazy, but they know a little bit about everything.

Little Taotie has been in the palace for a long time, and he really wanted to go to Jiangnan to see it, but unfortunately, the old lady spoiled the atmosphere, it was extremely disappointing, and he didn't even bother to go to Jiangnan to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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