Chapter 1454 Everyone Shocked
They suspect that they are delusional.

Next to my ear is the voice of the chief eunuch who continues to read...

Everyone was even more astonished when they heard who got the flower!

Third Prince!
The son of a peasant girl!
The princes are all the children of the most noble men in the world. They are already invincible compared to their fathers. The only ones they can compete with are each other's mothers and mother clans.

The queen has nothing to do, so there is no son of the middle palace.

In fact, if the empress gives birth to a son, no matter how outstanding these people are, they will have no chance. After all, the empress has always been His Majesty's favorite for the past ten years.

The new emperor ascended the throne, amnesty the world, and even canceled all the drafts during his reign, which made people more convinced that the emperor loved the queen deeply, and the two were as deep as the sea.

The mother of the third prince was the one whose mother clan was looked down upon among all the princes, and she had always been in the least favored category.

When His Majesty was the prince, because he was a prince who was placed outside, he was relatively free, playing and looking around, and once saw a little peasant girl in a rapeseed field.

Maybe it's because the afterglow of the setting sun is too beautiful, or maybe it's because the rapeseed field is so beautiful, which set off the small peasant girl so fresh and refined.

He thought it was fun, so he concealed his identity and got along with the little peasant girl. The little peasant girl fell in love with him and waited for him to marry him, but he didn't know that she was just a passerby.

Later, the little peasant girl couldn't wait for him to come back, her stomach was beating every day, and she finally became anxious. She confessed to the elders in the family and recounted his appearance with the painter. Finally, the nearby city was covered with his portrait, and she offered fertile land as a reward.

He was drugged by the owner of a mutton shop and passed out. When he woke up, he returned to the village and saw the little peasant girl with a big belly at first sight.

Now that he has a child, it is not impossible to have one more woman in the prince's mansion. He considers himself a man in charge, so he revealed his noble status and wanted to make a woman a concubine as if he were merciful. Entering the Prince's Mansion is a great gift.

The little peasant girl hated him to death, and she didn't want to be a concubine, but she just blamed herself for being confused and didn't understand his situation. After being coaxed by him to drink two glasses of wine, she was coaxed into her body, and now she has a child , and there is no other choice.

This little peasant girl is the woman with the lowest status in the prince's mansion, and the prince's interest in her has long since disappeared because of her fat figure after giving birth. She has no favor and low status. There is nothing else besides being a human being with her tail between her legs. The road can be chosen.

She is a law-abiding, or too weak, there is no need to calculate her. In the past, the women in the prince's mansion fought to the death, and no one paid attention to her. Later, when she entered the palace, the women in the harem fought to the death, and no one Pay attention to her, but let her live in peace and bring up her son in peace.

Even being in the limelight is looking for death. She has always reminded her son to hide his edge, and not to be too outstanding before his wings are full, so the third prince has lived like a little transparent all these years.

It is also because he is like a little transparent, and now everyone is shocked when he is named and passed on to him in the imperial decree.

In fact, including the eunuch who recited the imperial decree, he himself felt incredible. Many times he thought that he might have read it wrong, and thought that he might have read it wrong, but after repeated confirmation, it was not wrong at all, which is outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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