Chapter 1455 Not the most outstanding one

As a eunuch, he has been by the master's side all the time, he has never seen His Majesty look at the Third Prince differently, and the imperial decree has never seen His Majesty summon the Third Prince in private, but the one who got the throne turned out to be the Third Prince.

In fact, even the third prince himself was shocked, he was stunned there, unable to recover for a long time.

He only thought it was a dream, and he didn't even dare to breathe too loudly, for fear of waking up from this dream, everything was just an illusion.

"Third Highness, you still haven't accepted the order." The eunuch reminded.

The third prince knelt down in a trance, and received the order in a trance, in a trance the whole time, not knowing what state he was in today or at any time.

Until he heard the high sitting father say: "Since the throne has been handed over to you, I can go around and play around."

Go ahead, take off the dragon robe in front of the princes.

It seemed that what was taken off was not the dragon robe that everyone dreamed of, but more like a shackle.

Only then did the third prince calm down from his trance, and subconsciously pinched his palm.

It hurts.

This is not a dream.

Everything is true!
The father was in his prime, and he passed the throne to himself.

The third prince didn't understand why his father did this, and his eyes were full of doubts. In fact, what he wanted to ask more was why it was him.

There are so many princes who are better than him, why did he choose him?

In order to hide my clumsiness, I have always been a little transparent, and my mother's family is hidden, so I am not suitable for this position at all.

Seemingly seeing the doubt in the eyes of this "son", Little Taotie waved his hand: "You know the matter, you all go, I have something to say to the third child."

The other princes want to hear it, but they dare not, and now their identities are completely different from the third child. A son of a peasant girl who was once looked down upon by them has become the prince most valued by his father, and he is so important that he directly takes the throne. Gave it to him!
If today's event establishes the crown prince, they still have the mind to compete for superiority. After all, in the past dynasties, how many crown princes can successfully ascend to the throne in the end, basically they are just living targets besieged by the princes, and they are the earliest to die.

But today, the royal father is passing on the throne directly, so they won't be given a chance.

They really couldn't understand why the emperor, whom everyone dreamed of, seemed like a shackle to his father, like a hot potato. They wished their son would grow up and take over quickly.

After all the princes left one after another, the chief eunuch also went out, closed the doors and windows intimately, and walked ten meters away from the door after going out.

In the imperial study room, only little Taotie and the third prince were left. Little Taotie took a sip of tea and said leisurely, "If you want to ask anything, just ask."

The third prince pursed his lips, and the young man showed a struggling look on his face, but he still asked, "Father, why did you choose me? I... am not the best among all the princes."

Little Taotie glanced at him, and asked playfully, "Is that so?"

The third prince was stunned for a moment when he met his father's clear eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything!

Did the emperor always know that he was hiding his clumsiness?
The third prince hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously: "I did not do well in the exam on purpose. It is because my mother's family background is not good. I am afraid that I will be targeted if I am too outstanding."

Little Taotie nodded: "I know."

As expected, Father knew it!

But even if the father knows that he is hiding his clumsiness, he doesn't have to choose his own. After all, even if he doesn't hide his clumsiness, he still has princes who can't match him, such as the martial arts of the seventh prince, or the literary talent of the fifth prince...

"Father, although I'm hiding my clumsiness, I'm not the most outstanding one."

(End of this chapter)

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