This is the first time that little Taotie sees her true face in Mount Lu.

As early as when Qingluan appeared, Little Taotie knew of Xuannv's existence, but he had never seen her in person.

A Piao paints with a ghostly spirit, and wisps of black smoke are like thick ink, showing a painting of ink and wash in the air.

The white walls are like a piece of drawing paper, presenting ink paintings more clearly.

With delicate willow-leaf eyebrows, there always seems to be a lingering melancholy between the brows. When I look up, the eyes are sparkling, the thick eyelashes are slightly drooping, the tall mountain roots have a slightly raised hump, the nose is petite, and the melon seeds The face is delicate and looks small.

"Is this Xuan?" It was also the first time for Feng Qi to see Xuan Nu's true face, if it wasn't for the girl listening to a blue bird on her shoulder, she might not be sure of her identity.

Combined with the previous dream of His Royal Highness, Qingluan has always been behind the scenes, which means that the real black hand behind it is likely to be Xuannv, but Xuannv is a god after all, if you are not sure, no one wants to kill your enemy. Imagine being a god.

But this time, too many coincidences have something to do with Qingluan.

This time, the frozen lion clan in the dream, and the person who hid outside the lion clan's territory and attempted to destroy the little Taotie's breakthrough, can be sure that this person is Xuannv.

God of War also used [-]% of his strength in that move. Obviously, the person who made the move was probably a god of the same level. Combined with the scene of Qingluan docilely standing on her shoulder, there was no one else except Xuannv.

"She looks very kind." Xiao Taotie looked at the portrait carefully, and really couldn't imagine that such a person with compassion in his eyes would target him everywhere.

In fact, if he offended her, it would be fine for her to deal with him, but he never offended her at all.

"Looking kind doesn't mean he's really a kind person. There are a lot of hypocrites in this world." Feng Qi stretched out her fox paw and tapped the little Taotie's forehead: "You are young, and you still don't know that people are sinister."

Little Taotie was not too convinced, and pursed his lips: "I'm not young anymore!"

"It's not too big, it's just a child anyway!"

Thinking that in the dream, she had grown up, Little Taotie couldn't help but envy the self in the previous life in the dream.

The little girl sighed old-fashionedly: "If only I could get bigger if I want to be bigger, and smaller if I want to be smaller, just like in the dream!"

In the dream, Little Taotie can become a child if he wants to be a child, a girl if he wants to be a girl, a little white beast if he wants to, whatever he wants.

Seeing her envy, Feng Qi smiled maliciously, her fox eyes narrowed, and a sly smile flashed in her eyes.

Then Xiao Taotie witnessed Feng Qi transform her into a living person, into a fox, into a child, into a young girl, into an old woman...

Little Taotie wrinkled his face, grunted fiercely, turned his back, and didn't bother to answer Feng Qi's bad taste.

Sister Ah Piao smiled sullenly, one was her little benefactor, the other was her master, it didn't matter which side she stood on, so she could only choose to watch a play.

"The blue bird has already appeared. It is obvious that the person who wants to deal with you already knows that you are here. She may come looking for you. Are you afraid?" Feng Qi asked with a serious face.

Little Taotie shook his head: "Not afraid."

Feng Qi was surprised to get such an answer.

"Why aren't you afraid?"

Little Taotie took out a pipe candy and ate it, and replied in a childlike voice: "If I want to come, I will come sooner, but I always only send the blue bird, obviously because she can't come."

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