Feng Qi nodded thoughtfully, "Although she is said to be very powerful, as a god, she must also follow the rules, the rules of the universe, the rules of the world, and the rules of heaven... If she wants to come to this star field, I'm afraid she can't come if she wants to." Yes, the Dao of Heaven will not easily let foreign gods appear here."

Little Taotie looked at her half understanding, "What about the God of War? Will it appear?"

Thinking of the dream of Her Royal Highness, who would have thought that Her Royal Highness is the God of War!
If God of War would appear in the star field where the little white beast would appear every time, what would he look like in this life?Is it still female?
Feng Qi shook her head: "I don't know about this. If a god wants to appear in a weak star field, he has to pay some price, such as sealing all the power, such as sealing the memory of the past, or just a touch of soul come."

"Feng Qi, will Xuannv come to this world at all costs?"

Feng Qi was stumped.

She wanted to answer that Xuannv would not be so confused, just to kill the little Taotie herself?
But thinking of Jade Bird's incompetence, after many lifetimes of failure, can Xuannv still believe that Jade Bird can help her get things done?

Maybe Xuannv has run out of patience.

In fact, Xuannv also realized it, right?If it drags on, Little Taotie will become stronger.

Now Xiao Taotie has found one soul through that little horn, when he finds all three souls and six souls, will he become a god in one step, and become a mysterious girl?

By that time, will Xuannv still be able to take care of the little Taotie?

The fact that Xuannv came off the stage one day later is to encourage the power of the little glutton. Xuannv doesn't seem like a foolish person, I'm afraid she has realized this a long time ago, so if it is calculated like this, Xuannv has already tried every means to come to this world .

Feng Qi sighed bitterly, and did not answer Little Taotie directly, but said euphemistically: "It is imperative to be on guard against others, even if Xuan Nu will not come here, you should take some precautionary measures just in case."

"A measure?" Little Taotie tilted his head to look at her, his big eyes were full of confusion.

"Let me ask you, in the dream, did you also realize the mystery of time?"

Little Taotie's face collapsed: "A little bit, almost broke through."

"So, did you realize it?"

"I'm not sure, yes, but it seems not. Maybe it's because I don't know spells. I can't use what I know."

"Of course you can't use it. The planet's spiritual power is insufficient. Even if you use small spells here, you can't use them, let alone spells that contain the power of time."

"It's still useless, it's equal to zero." Xiao Taotie shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, making a "zero" gesture with his little hand.

"Even if your physical body is a mortal body, not the powerful body you used to be, even if this is just an ordinary star field with poor aura, you can't give up your cultivation. You chose the path of cultivating your mind before, which also means It means that no matter where you are or what kind of body you use, it will not hinder your way of cultivating your mind."

"Then how can I cultivate my mind?"

"The mystery of the power of time is understood by breaking the seal, so you may be able to break through again if you are on the scene."


"For filming, find some time-traveling, or play in different dynasties, and find the feeling of changing times. I have never felt the power of time. By the way, it is best to be the kind of character whose whole family is taken away, even more so. It can burst your explosive power."

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